WOW! What a COOL photo. If one didn’t know better one might say it looks like the earth has taken on the face of a deer to look in your bedroom window and bid you good morning. Way cool ss, way cool!
It was just beginning to get light outside when I woke up and looked out. I tried different settings on my camera and liked this one the most as it was well, different!
Thanks my dear!
Oh sweet, I used to have one a bambi, yes a real one in the Congo and we fed it milk in a bottle. Those good old days.
Awww…that would be so fun!
WOW! What a COOL photo. If one didn’t know better one might say it looks like the earth has taken on the face of a deer to look in your bedroom window and bid you good morning. Way cool ss, way cool!
It was just beginning to get light outside when I woke up and looked out. I tried different settings on my camera and liked this one the most as it was well, different!
Thanks my dear!