During the seven days on the Rio Coco in Nicaragua, we traveled a total of 340 miles and visited 14 villages and returned with seven patients and eight guardians. All of the patients we found (and subsequently delivered to the hospital in Jinotega) were children, with the exception of one and that was a 36 year old male, Santos. You’ll hear more about my buddy Santos in the next post. He so deserves his very own post!
I just picked a few…some from the villages along the Rio Coco…some from the surrounding areas of Jinotega…but all in all there were 31 lives changed during the week from various surgical procedures.
First up is Gabriela and her family…Gabriela is in the purple top standing between her parents.
Gabriela’s father (Vincente) accompanied her on the trip just like he did last year when she had her cleft lip repaired. She never spoke a word…so not sure if she couldn’t due to her palate issues or if she was just too timid. Gabriela was scheduled for a palate repair this trip, but unfortunately 24 hours prior to surgery her father received word that his sister had passed away suddenly in the exact hospital where we were located. Imagine after a grueling trip coming right off the Rio Coco and then having to return almost as soon as they arrived…it was just heartbreaking. I could only take this one photo (below) before the family and the casket began to fill the ambulance. They would begin the long drive to the launching point on the river and then who knows how long it would take to return to their village. I can’t imagine how hard it was going to be to find a panga (boat) that could handle such a load and get them to their village for the burial…not to mention the price…even though several of us pitched in to help make that happen. It was a very emotional departure for me…after seeing what both of them had gone through just to be a part of the medical mission and then to experience a death in the family and have their hopes and dreams just vanish within minutes…I just couldn’t photograph the ending. Hopefully Gabriela and her father will be able to return again in August when the next plastic surgery mission will be made possible by Esperanca, Dr. Nicholas Retson’s nonprofit…Healing, Health, and Hope and the many donors like you and me.
Then there’s Jaxi…also in purple standing between her parents. Of course it seemed the entire village came out to see us too! Jaxi recognized a couple of the members in our group and those memories from last year when she had her cleft lip repaired brought many tears.
She never smiled until we were leaving…little did she know at the time we’d be back to pick her up…as we made our way back down the river. Her grandmother accompanied her…and Jaxi finished up the week in Jinotega with a fixed palate and all went well!
My first introduction to Yeslin was at the hospital…walking around blasting music from someone’s mobile phone. The total opposite of the quiet children from the villages along Rio Coco. To give her something to do besides drive us crazy with her music…we put a camera in her hand!
As you can see below…she had a sheet for her bed with blankets and toys…totally different from the children from the villages who had very little. In fact…from this photo one would think the hospital was just as we’d expect here in the states…but in a future post, you’ll see this is so far from reality.
This is Abner…he lived just a couple of streets from the hospital in Jinotega…and came to have his fused fingers separated. So polite and excellent English! He was thrilled to have one of our backpacks, as well as some clothing that we brought to all the children.
Bryan was our rock star. So adorable…I mean really…does it get any cuter? I’m sure he thought I was some kind of magician when I pulled that frog out of my pocket!
Bryan had a tooth in his palate area that needed to be surgically removed. Of course they’re all angels when they’re sleeping, right!
This is Eyner…he had his palate fixed, but unfortunately there was nothing that could be done for his eye. To help pass time…my Fujifilm Instax mini camera saved the day and brought many smiles to both the children and the parents.
There’s so much more…but I think you get the idea. What a gift to have seen up close how donations…from a few dollars a month from many donors…to the thousands that the surgical teams spend…can make all this happen!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Just wonderful Robin! I have been so moved by your journey and how you have told this story with your wonderful photography…..AND you are sooooo good at this x
So kind of you Catherine! So happy that this journey has moved you! THANK YOU!
What an amazing trip and so many sweet little ones … Abner’s smile! Bless you all and can I just add that after the sad parts it left me thrilled seeing the black shirt in the top photo … fight like a girl … how awesome!
Thank you! I so loved that too and glad you picked up on it! There were so many shirts that both men and women wore that had English expressions and of course they had no clue what they meant! Also, I just LOVED the stance and expression of the woman on the far left of Jaxi’s family photo! Like…don’t f*** with me! And I wouldn’t! 🙂
Such an emotional and heartwarming story. So sad about what happened to interrupt Gabriela’s surgery after all they went through to get there. Praying she will eventually get to go back and have the surgery done. All of these children and their families are so brave and show such courage and grace in the face of such hardships. God bless them and all of you that went there to help them live a better life. XoXo
Thanks my sweet! Yep, that’s the bottom line!
Oh Robin,
What a touching, heartfelt post.
The plights, the beautiful and courageous children and families. Those innocent smiles of the children and yes, the tough looks on some of the adults – You certainly captured their personalities and souls.
What an experience to see first-hand what these mission trips entail for the recipients. Such a contrast from writing a check to delivering donations, meeting and being a part of their incredible journeys. Love that you were able to give these little toys and clothes/backpacks in person. Love little Bryan, tenderly holding his froggy from the beautiful lady he’ll never forget. I also enjoy seeing the “American” logo shirts they wear. I love seeing all the details in every photo.
I am so sorry for Gabriela’s family and also hope she gets another chance for surgery in August.
My heart is with all of these strong, brave people and the wonderful people who donate their skills, time, love and hearts.
Love you.
Thank you!! An experience for sure! Always appreciate reading your comments! xoxo
How could any one of us ever complain again, Robin, right?! This is truly what “mission” is all about. Healing the sick. Giving of ourselves and our resources. We have SO MUCH to give…and it would do us all good to do so. Thank you, again and again, for sharing your Journey of Love.
So true Ginnie. So happy that you’ve enjoyed following along…and there’s more to come!!
All those happy smiles and think about the trust they have to travel that far, knowing somewhere out there are people that are able to help.
Absolute fabulous pictures. Happy with small things. Laughed about the story with the music blasting and just give her a camera to shut her up 🙂
Love and hugs.
Exactly Astrid…the trust that had to have to leave their homes…go to a city they may have never been before…not knowing at all what to expect. So true. LOL…yep, a camera is good in many ways, ha! Thanks so much!! xoxo
the true humanity… excellent serie!
Thanks Olivier! So good to hear from you again!
Oh robin my heart was singing seeing all these special babes being healed and happy!
Oh, wonderful Donna! Thank you!!
I don’t know what I love more – your stories or your pictures! Fortunately, we always have both of them. And whereever you are, you always seem to leave a lot of smiles behind you.
Ahh…thanks so much Katrin!!!
To change a life for the better – what an incredible experience! Thank you so much for taking us on the journey and for sharing your wonderful pictures!
And THANK YOU for following along!!
Your photos capture intimate expression that tell the story more fully then a library of text.