It always took quite a bit of convincing the children (and adults) to smile in their photos…even saying the spanish word for smile – sonrisa – didn’t do it…(which of course many of then didn’t understand because they had their own language)…but it never failed…after a bit…that smile was there in all its glory!
There’s no doubt…the children in the villages along the Rio Coco in Nicaragua were adorable. They were so shy, yet so inquisitive. I’ll never forget getting ready one night for “bed” and glancing up at the window and there’s a whole row of kids looking in and watching my every move.
To hear those gut wrenching giggles after viewing their photographs in my camera…was absolutely priceless and worth every hardship endured during this trip…
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.
These are but trifles, to be sure;
but scattered along life’s pathway,
the good they do is inconceivable.
Joseph Addison
Love seeing all these smiles … love seeing you there, sitting so close and patient. The second one in b&w is so touching as you watch the smile slowly coming. Beautiful, just beautiful!
Thanks Susan! They were so much fun!
These smiles are priceless and so heartwarming. Thank you so much for sharing and putting some extra smiles in my day! XoXo
Priceless is right! Thanks VK! xoxo
LOVE THIS!!! How I enjoyed seeing these beautiful faces smiling and especially the ones of you with the little girl. You are so adorable watching her in delight breaking into a full-blown laugh! What’s even funnier is how I noticed that she’s at that age where it’s hard to get girls to smile, especially for photographs. Oh, how my daughter gave me such grief at that age that she turned what I wanted our Christmas card of her in front of the town’s tree and Menorah into a crying session. For about 3 years straight, tears and anger that I got so disguisted, I stopped sending Christmas cards! Thank God she’s past that age!
How cute, that the little ones were watching you getting ready to turn in for the night and you shared that special time with them showing them their faces.
There is no better sound in the world than a child’s laughter to me and there were no better photos than seeing these cuties – Their eyes are smiling! You are a treasure and I just love seeing you in the photos.
Every time when I get your email notifications, it’s like Christmas Day (back before I was a bitter Scrooge). I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.
Thank you for making me grin from ear to ear.
Love you!
Thank you my dear!! Always enjoy reading your comments too! Like Ginnie says below…it is so interesting to be in the middle of different cultures that are not used to the camera and have no clue as to what to do! Wait until you see some images later on when we pick up some of the little ones for surgery…you’d think they’re ready to do some harm, ha!
Laughing only uses 15 muscles and looking angry takes more than 40 muscles…..
I love the laughing faces. A great series and I love you in the pictures too.
What a way to make new friends, you always be remembered as ‘the lady that made us smile’ 🙂
Love and hugs.
I love laughing faces too and yes…I’ve always heard that it takes less muscles to smile than to frown! Thanks always Astrid!
Oh-Oh-Oh. This is wonderful, Robin, and so very true. Cultures that are not used to the camera don’t know what to do, so it’s good you were persistent. The sequence in all 3 collages is just fabulous. THANKS for including YOU.
Your story of the kids at your window reminded me of my time in the jungles of Peru when the same thing happened. Even when I went down to the creek to take my “shower,” I always had someone peering out from the bushes…and not always a child! We gringas, especially we who don’t have black hair, don’t look like anyone they know. I bet they were always dying to touch you or your hair!!!
You nailed it Ginnie…it is so interesting to interact with cultures who have not had the opportunity to have their photo taken and many who have never even seen a camera! Always so fun! And yes, I was most definitely the “odd man out!” Ha!
I just had to giggle along. Wonderful pictures!
Always fun to giggle!! Thank you!!!
This just lightened my day. Hope you don,t mind that I will use the one a out smiling instead of frowning. Your truly a gift..
Thank you so much Jeanne! So glad to see you here!
I am in love with the way you showed the series!! I experience the same thing… you will see children or adults smiling away, then you ask to take their photo and the freeze up.. you captured them beautifully!
Thank you Cathy!!!
These are lovely, I’m guessing iPhone? very engaging portraits
Thanks shooter! Yes, all iPhone!
What joy you spread and how much you touched their lives….much love to you!
Thanks Donna! It was an adventure and one that really touched my heart! xo!
Robin, I’ve been out of town visiting a friend and so am just now catching up on your latest posts. Reading here this morning is like medicine for my soul.
So much goodness here. Good that you are you, making connections with your camera and your warm smile. Good that you celebrate different cultures and seek to honor the differences and seek the sameness. And good that you presented these photographs in photo booth fashion that gives us all a chance to pause and marvel at the nuances of human expression and communication.
Thanks so much Donna! You always touch me with your words!
Such gorgeous little faces!