Back in MY city, but there was more to this travel story. (see previous post if you’re just tuning in)
Where was I…yes, it’s middle of the afternoon and the departure screen had suddenly flashed a new departure time of 5:19 p.m.
(I’ll make this as short as possible as I’m sure you’re bored with this subject by now. But right now it’s all about me and the need to release the ugliness of USAir from my life.)
At the bar and finally get a couple of bars again on my wi-fi connection. I settled in to read some emails, do some research and work on my blog post while it was fresh in my mind. I’d just ordered another glass of Chardonnay when I heard something that sounded like my name over the intercom. But of course the bar noise overpowered and I just assumed I was hearing things. Another announcement with similar sounds of my name, so I have the bartender watch my stuff, as we had become very good friends by now.
Yes, my name had been called. Why? Seems they now have this mystery flight to Laguardia (that’s not showing on the departure screen) and they’re waiting for me to board.
What???????? I have a new glass of wine, a blog posting that’s close to being finished and you’re telling me I have three minutes to get to the gate or I’ll miss my flight? I do not need to say more as to my state of mind.
But the icing on the travel cake was during the flight from Roanoke to New York. The sun was setting and a great time to get out the camera to capture a few scenes. I heard the attendant mumble a few things which I could barely understand as once again I’m beside the propeller going home. More garbled words from the cockpit. I continue to take photos. As we approach NYC, I begin taking more photos in hopes to capture something of the skyline. Minding my own business, taking photos and suddenly I’m reprimanded harshly by the flight attendant. “You didn’t listen to me at the beginning of the flight and you aren’t listening now.” “All electronics are to be turned off! Do so immediately!”
What the heck? A digital camera is considered an electronic device that can interfere? Call me blond, but how can a camera interfere with the flight instruments? If you know, by all means clue me in.
P.S. and none of those photos of the skyline turned out…
Um, excuse me? I would have told her where she could stow my camera for safe keeping. Why are flight attendants so rude?? Merry Christmas my sweet friend!!!
Ha! If only I would have only thought about having her stow it for me! Good one!
welcome back to NYC…have a joyous Christmas/New Year’s…look 4 U next year en la gran manzana.
You go girl because it should be all about you since you are the one who had to deal with it all. But what a COOL shot you got. I think it looks like Santa, or Old Man Winter’s face is right in the middle of the mountains, and he is even winking at you as you fly by…:) Now you look at it again and tell me if you see it too. How cool is that girlfriend? I bet you could win a big prize for that, buy usair, and fire all those who caused you so much grief. See, there is a silver lining to everything:)
You got it!!! Old Man Winter!!! EXACTLY! I’m glad I’m not the only one. Thank you, thank you, thank you…