Truly, we live with mysteries too marvelous to be understood.
How grass can be nourishing in the mouths of the lambs.
How rivers and stones are forever in allegiance with gravity, while we ourselves dream of rising.
How two hands touch and the bonds will never be broken.
How people come, from delight or the scars of damage, to the comfort of a poem.
Let me keep my distance, always, from those who think they have the answers.
Let me keep company always with those who say, “Look!” and laugh in astonishment and bow their heads.
~~~mary oliver~~~
Oh…how I loved these bobbing heads…every evening I would walk the beach on the Oregon coast at sunset…and could feel their eyes watching my every move…as soon as I would turn to capture their wet little faces they would duck…but this one…gotcha! Oh the mystery of it all…
Oh, such beautiful mystery and cuteness! We were on that coast, too, years ago, trying to walk in winds so strong we could barely stand up … that wind and the awesome beauty of it all took our breath away and is a time we will always remember.
I agree with Mary, I want to be around the ones who look and laugh and bow in astonishment of it all.
We experienced those kinds of winds while visiting Crater Lake…wow, I know what you’re talking about! The area on the coast got a touch windy, but nothing to speak of so that was a good thing since we were at that location for a week. Thank you my dear! I believe many of us agree with Mary! 🙂 Kindred souls we are…
How adorable. I love it and can’t wait to get there and see them for myself… I’m with you, Susan, and Mary, in I would much rather be around those who “look, and laugh in astonishment and bow their heads.” Count me in! Thanks for sharing. Love and hugs… XoXo
You’re already in my sweet! Yes, you will totally fall in love with this state! Can’t wait for you to experience it and I can’t wait to experience MORE of it! xoxo
The words of Mary Oliver and then your own words, Ms. Robin, bring me tears of joy and wonderment. I’ve been thinking lately about how we MUST share these stories of joy, delight, amazement, mystery, and ecstasy to drown out the horrific stories of fear and utter depravity in the news these days. Please carry on!
I couldn’t agree more Ginnie. I’ve become so disgusted with Facebook and rarely post anything there and only try to zero in on close friends. The comments coming from even “friends” about our government and the state of affairs in our world often totally disgust me. That’s why I’m loving Instagram…just getting lost in the beautiful art that is shared…no politically bullshit to wade through. Thank you!!!
What a real poser this is, I think he dared you HA…. Great picture.
Thank you for your reply to Ginnie. I totally agree. It seems that almost nothing is good enough anymore. Count your blessings, there are others that don’t have blessing and still try to make a living.
Love and hugs.
Thanks Astrid! I know I count my blessings daily…I’m fortunate that I had the opportunity to work my ass off for thirty years and now get the opportunity to enjoy life…definitely others are not so fortunate/lucky and that’s the part I dislike…but I do so enjoy the ability to give back too. Love and hugs back at ya!
You certainly did work your ass off for 30 years and even as a kid raised on a farm! Your intellect, talents and ability to accomplish what you have in your lifetime, so far, is admirable.
You are so inspirational on so many levels. I knew you were special the moment I spoke with you on the phone and met you in person so many years ago.
Your continual growth and beautiful layers of your talents, heart and soul unfolding on a daily basis is such a blessing to witness. To find your true self and happiness and to be so open to learn and share yourself, your blessings, your talents, your heart is beyond any words I can express.
Your humility, graciousness, humanity and quest to learn and share your talents and heart is very deep and touching.
You deserve every single happy moment you experience in life and for every tear you have shed in your lifetime and will, may you have it multiplied tenfold by laughter, joy, love, happiness, peace, great health and strength.
I love you, my dear friend. xoxo
How adorable your little friend is, playing hide-and-go-seek with you and you caught him!
What a lovely post that warmed my heart.
I just love Mary Oliver’s quote and totally agree with all of the above comments so much.
That is exactly one of the reasons I took a hiatus from FB, which is the only social media network I am on except for joining Instagram to follow you and this blog.
I scroll right past the horrific photographs of abused animal, people, heated ridiculous commentaries and sadness. I care about my small circle of loved ones and want to know how they are and enjoy updates and photographs on family, grandchildren, etc. but DO NOT wish to debate or see horrific pictures. There is way too much sadness.
I’m with all of you – It’s not ducking our heads in the sand but let’s have more beauty in the world. Let us surround ourselves more with positive people that bring joy, love, kindness and laughter into our hearts and lives.
Such as you, my dear Robin. You are a treasure!
PS – Have you ever been to the Galapagos Islands? I’ve always wanted to go there and see all those interesting animals and mammals.
I have really never gotten into poetry…but through my “son’s” love (Argentina) I’ve started paying more attention to it…and found Mary Oliver. A lot of poetry I don’t understand…but her words are very clear to me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on FB too…I so get it. I love the fact that FB gives us the ability to connect with school friends (some from first grade!)…work mates from many companies ago…relatives that I would never be able to see or talk to because of distance and availability…so much value. But like you said…there’s too much…too much hatred…too much sharing of the details of one’s life (like throwing up and what someone had for dinner)…horrific photos…and then the politics. Also, like you mentioned…it isn’t ducking our heads in the sand because I do try to educate myself daily on what is happening in our government and the world, but the hatred and what is being said is totally unbelievable to me. My parents taught me respect…and it’s obvious that many many people were not so fortunate to have the kind of parents that I have/had. Thank you for understanding what all I’m trying to say…xoxo Oh, the Galapagos…not really…we had a chance to go when we hiked in Ecuador a number of years ago…but this type of animals and mammals never really blew my skirt up. But we change…so who knows what the future could bring! Now Africa…that is on my list! 🙂
Totlally feel the same about poems. I never could get into them until I hit my 50’s and wrote my 1st poem – A parady on turning 50.
It was always difficult for me to “get” poems, much like the bible. If it is not something that really moves me, and I can’t relate, I can’t appreciate it.
It has to strike a chord, a connection of feeling that we are all the same, we are not alone in our thoughts, feelings and fears.
Beautiful words and a wonderful frame
Thanks shooter!!
Love it!
A fantastic portrait!