I once had a photography instructor at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in NYC tell our class…learn from the masters…when you study the work of a master you’ll see patterns, a distinct style…it’ll help in discovering your own style. I picked Alfred Stieglitz because he was determined to prove throughout his career that photography was a medium as capable of artistic expression as painting or sculpture. I also picked him because he promoted modern art at a time (the early 1900’s) when it just wasn’t understood. From the beginning of my love of photography, I’ve been attracted to abstract so I was very interested in Stieglitz’s work and that part of his life. Anyway, learning about him led me to Georgia O’Keeffe whom he met in 1916 and later married.
What intrigued me was that O’Keeffe sought to capture the emotion and power of objects through abstracting the natural world in her early works. I learned she was influenced by another master – Paul Strand – by how he cropped his photographs. She leaned towards painting close-ups of objects that were highly detailed, yet abstract. I just loved how she pushed the limits when at the time…no one else would even consider it!
I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me
– shapes and ideas so near to me –
so natural to my way of being and thinking…
I decided to start anew, to strip away what I had been taught.
(Georgia O’Keeffe referencing her abstract nature)
So this trip to New Mexico I really wanted to follow in O’Keeffe’s footsteps and learn firsthand what attracted her to live in New Mexico when she was so settled in New York with Stieglitz. How can we not admire a woman who in 1929 traveled to New Mexico, bought a Ford and learned to drive! With her new found independence (she left Stieglitz in New York often and traveled back and forth)…she outfitted her car as a mobile studio and one can only imagine her flying down those dusty roads looking for her next subject to paint!
So my New Mexico adventure started in Abiquiu (about 65 miles north of Santa Fe) where O’Keeffe maintained two properties with only one (in the village of Abiquiu) open to the public. (If you’re ever in this area, you can’t just show up…you must have reservations.) Photography isn’t allowed at all inside her home, and only small cameras/camera phones were allowed on the tour to take photos – outside only – so I used my iPhone…which by the way will often do a better job during the brightest part of the day.
I loved learning that she was a collector of sorts…stones, bones and whatever she may find on her excursions…and she was totally enchanted with crosses…
…the view if you were inside of her studio and bedroom looking out…
She had a penchant for rundown adobe homes…and purchased this 5,000 square-foot compound and spent the next three years restoring the structure. Today the Abiquiu home remains much as O’Keeffe left it in 1984 when she moved to Santa Fe. She passed away in 1986 at the age of 98.
I saw the crosses so often — and often in unexpected places — like a thin dark veil of the Catholic Church spread over the New Mexico landscape.
— Georgia O’Keeffe
Loved coming across this old cemetery along the backroads…a small community named El Rito…one of the first Spanish settlements in northern New Mexico. O’Keeffe’s words in the previous quote…like a thin dark veil of the Catholic Church spread over the New Mexico landscape is so apropos as New Mexico gives a whole new meaning to roadside memorials…called descansos. The state even has provisions in place to protect the memorials from being removed. I read that most families believe that a person doesn’t rest in peace until you place a descanso at the site, so it’s often done immediately after an accident.
Then of course in Santa Fe was the visit to the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum…where over sixty years of O’Keeffe’s accumulated art materials are in the museum’s collection preserving her legacy for years to come. No doubt…even in the short time in Abiquiu and in Santa Fe, I really got a feel for why she loved the area so much and could easily understand why she was so drawn to New Mexico…the land of enchantment.
I’ll leave you with one last O’Keeffe quote…
It’s the most wonderful place you can imagine. It’s so beautiful there. It’s ridiculous.
I couldn’t agree more about New Mexico and can’t wait to return again one day to explore more!
I have long been drawn to Georgia’s work. Thank you for the insights, bits & pieces of her life.
Thanks Pat! From what I’ve learned she was one interesting person for sure!
What a beautiful story of O’Keeffe’s life. I can see, in the photos that you have shared with us during your New Mexico trip, why she so love it there. Beauty everywhere you look. Thank you so much for taking us along on your trip to New Mexico, and for explaining every detail of what you thought to capture in your amazing photos. As always you continue to just blow me away with you talent for capturing the beauty in your travels, and for always providing such excellent storytelling to go along with your photos… Love and hugs. XoXo
Thanks my dear! I just know this state will appeal to both of you…so I’m glad to know it’s now on your list for the future! There’s just something about these wide open spaces and colors that mother earth provides! Love you!!
So….I just went over to the bookcase and took out our Alfred Stieglitz book, which I’ll later go through again, page by page. I used to have a biography on her and wonder if maybe I didn’t bring it with me from America. (sigh) Now, suddenly, I want to know everything about her… again “for the first time.” lucky you, Robin, for being able to explore her land and to see some of it through her eyes. I know it will continue to affect you for years to come.
She is one fascinating person for sure and I know you’d enjoy reading and learning more as well! And yes, so fortunate to be able to see a part of a state that was new and fresh and to learn more about her! Thank you so much!
What a fun way to explore New Mexico. It seems like my favorite writers and artists have been drawn at some point to New Mexico. It was a state I toyed with retiring to, which is funny because I’ve never been there. But it sounds so wonderful in books and looks so intriguing in photos…
As much as I like to just see what the day brings…some times I like to have a mission and this was one of those times! You must go!! Thanks Maery for visiting!
I’m so intrigued. By your photos, especially, but also by what you wrote about Georgia.
So inspired. You’ve fertilized some ideas been rattling around in my soul. THANK you!
So gorgeous…I love the view from your lens.
Your comments always make me smile! Thank you Jennifer!!
Great post, Robin! Loved the history and of course, as always, your beautiful photos!
Thanks Mary! Always appreciate your visits!
When studying fine art I too was drawn to her work, her quote “I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me” resonated and quite often got me into trouble with the tutor… Today I’m still the same. my photography will take me to beautiful places and is the best medium for my art expression… I love your images especially the abstract ones. This post touches a place in my passionate photography heart, it inspires me to keep going when I am at a low. Thank you.
I love that quote too! So enjoy your comments and love your visits! Thank you so much!
PS The film entitled Georgia O’Keeffe 2009 is well worth watching for those who missed it giving background information to her life with Alfred Stieglitz.
OH…I am off to research this movie NOW! Thank you!!
I seem to be drawn to many of the same things … love the colors of the land and sky, the buildings and all the crosses and old cemeteries scattered around in the little towns. New Mexico is a magical place, for sure.
I love that you are drawn to it too! Keep working your way south! xo!
I loved this piece….I was in SantaFe just a few years ago and visited the museum. It was so very interesting! It is just so beautiful there!
So wonderful to get a comment from you! Thanks for your visits! Couldn’t agree more about Santa Fe!