There are so many free summer concerts here in the city during the summer it’ll make your head spin! Perhaps because they’re in my backyard…but I’m partial to SummerStage in Central Park and Out of Doors at the Lincoln Center. Both provide great venues and entertainment from all over the world! No better way to spend a summer evening…
I remember the summer stage concert I attended with you on my first visit to “your” city…it was raining and we shared an umbrella while sipping on a glass of wine…so cool…Love, Love, Loved it and love you more!!! Gh
That was so much fun! Even in the rain! xoxo More!
Am soooo jealous! What an amazing city and wonderful that you share your exciting life with the rest of us!
Oh I count my blessings every day! And there’s nothing better than to share what I love about this city!
The composition in this photo is divine! So is the concert series!
Thank you Elena. Yes, I spotted her right away and knew I had to capture those earrings!
I think Atlanta needs to take hints from NYC about all that’s FREE. It amazes me what is clearly available there for all who are willing to find it.
This is an expensive city to live…but unbelievable in what is offered for free in activities!
I love the BW treatment of this image. Lovely indeed!
I find I am missing NYC summer and the walks on the HIgh Line and in Central Park.
A visit might be in order soon I think.
Thank you Marie! Hope we can connect when you’re here!
I might be a little bit in love with those earrings 🙂
Oh me too Makeda! They caught my eye right away! So looking forward to our getting together!
oh c’est génial comme mise au point sur ce portrait avec boucles d’oreilles
Cool! When my wife and I were dating, we lived in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex. There, we went to see the play “Bodas de Sangre,” as well as many other plays and concerts at a Summer outdoor theater. I miss those type of events. I also enjoy reading your previous post about the tram ride to the island. Blessings!
Thanks Arnoldo! Always love your visits!
Have fun! So looking forward to see things like this with you next year!