random thoughts…today it’s about the blog…
to blog or not to blog…
to comment or not…
to subscribe or not…
Disclaimer: Before you even start reading this, I know this post is filled with “I” this and “I” that. I really really try hard not to do that in my blog postings. “I” try not to come across as it’s “all about me” or at least that’s what “I” have hoped for…and I know in the written word that it’s better to avoid using personal references such as “I.” But for this post…that’s all out the window.
So I’ve been giving a lot of thought about my blog lately. You know this blog was a brainstorm of mine about five years ago simply to show family and close friends why one would ever want to live “a year” in New York City…thus the reason for Gotham Girl. Well we know what happened there…that has now turned into five years and three months and after a number of visits to my city…people now have a much better understanding as to why I love this city and want to share it. With my good fortune to live in two incredible areas of the United States and travel throughout the world, this blog has grown into more of a events and travel log of sorts with the sole purpose of chronicling experiences for myself and sharing the world with others. (I don’t know about you…but I find it hard to remember what happened last week much less two years ago.)
Anyway, during these five years I was dealing with my dad’s decline because of his Alzheimer’s and wanted a space to chronicle my thoughts and experiences, as well as to document my progress as I dipped my toes into the mixed media world. Thus my more personal blog was born. Well my last posting on that blog was a week before my dad passed away and I haven’t touched it since. But really…there was also another reason as to why I started the second one. Several people mentioned to me they wanted to hear more about my personal thoughts and experiences and when I started to do that on this blog…I began to receive those horrible “unsubscribe” emails. Many of you have blogs…for me when that “unsubscription notification” arrives in my inbox… it’s like a dagger going through my heart. WTF? Hmm…now why in the world does that become important I ask myself? So that’s what I’ve been contemplating. Hey you bloggers out there…am I the only one that gets that dagger feeling?
Then on top of that, I added my blog as a separate page to Facebook. Now why did I do that? Because that’s how you build your followers. So that’s what I’ve been contemplating too. I see blogs that have tons of comments and tons of subscribers. I think as a blogger that’s our goal, right? To build our reader base? But why? Yes, I get that many people hope to earn income, but most of the bloggers I know don’t need those pennies earned by those annoying advertisements, nor do they plan to offer future on-line workshops and classes. So why does it matter?
Then there’s the…how often should I post? I have enough content that I could sit here at this computer for the next six months and blog daily…but when does it become too much? I often wonder if I post too much and no one wants to hear about it. I think I’ve lost subscribers for that reason too. But I love to blog. I love to photograph. I love to share. So why do I care about the number of visitors/subscribers???
And what about comments? I’ve entertained the idea of shutting off comments…I never want people to feel like they have to comment. I’m horrible about commenting to their comments (sorry) but that’s just the way it is. I do try though, but not often enough. I know I follow a number of blogs but never leave comments, yet I’m a faithful follower because I enjoy their content. So are comments that important?
This isn’t a pity party, it’s just what I’ve been contemplating for awhile now…along with a mass of other stuff. You’ll be hearing about it.
But, in the interim, I’d love to hear your thoughts about all of this.
I LOVE your blog and have read and commented on every post you’ve made both on this blog and your other blog site. I find the information you share fascinating and very educational. Your photography is unmatched in my opinion. You are the person that inspired me to start my blog and I have been blogging for several years now. I have over a hundred followers on my blog but very, very, few people ever leave a comment. I absolutely love, love, love it when anyone leaves a comment on my blog, but I’ve come to know I cannot count on everyone to do that. You are the one person I can always count on to leave a comment on my blog and I look forward to each and every comment you make. In the beginning, I would get frustrated that people were not leaving comments on my blog, but the more I blogged the more I came to realize that the main reason I blog is to document the daily life of my family for our daughter, Shantel, who as you know is blind and would have no use for a photo memory album. That being my main reason for blogging, the number of comments became less important to me. In addition, when I get the occasional unsubscribed comment, I just delete and dismiss it immediately if it is not something I want to deal with… I am one of your followers who would also love to see you include more of your personal thoughts and experiences in your blogs. You, and your life, are fascinating and read like that wonderful book you just can’t put down so please don’t ever stop blogging… Love and hugs and MORE!
I think firstly we blog for ourselves and then to share our thoughts with others. As we set out in the blogging world perhaps just family and friends and the blog leads to meeting others and making new friends.
I don’t think think the number of followers is important. The people you meet and ‘connect with’ through blogging are what really matters. I don’t have a large following on my blog but the people who do read and follow are people I have come to meet and know. I have been enriched by getting to know them, people who I would not have met if I hadn’t been blogging.
I think it is the quality of the encounters that are important rather than the numbers.
As to comments I often find that posts where I think I haven’t said anything much at all are the ones that get the most comments. I find that intriguing…
Hi Sis
Keep on with your blog, if it wasn’t for your blog a lot of people who read it now would never have known of all the fantastic sites there are in this world. The fact that you go to these places and take all those great photos is very interesting, but then you give the history or a story of the people you meet and how you met them, that to me is just as interesting as the places you go. Oh and about the people who unsubscribe, their loss, shake the dust off and keep on blogging.
Love Bro
Even though i am not a blogger, i would echo CherryPie & her feedback. love you & your blog!!!!!
I am just dipping my toe into the blogging world. I am not comfortable (yet) opening up and talking about the most personal aspects of my life – but I know that the bloggers who do are the most compelling, even if they are blogging about mundane things. I ran across your blog about your father at some point, and that pulled me in because I am just starting the journey of dealing with an elderly parent who has dementia. I love your photographs; you are a wonderful writer – I hope you find a point of view that is interesting enough for you personally to continue.
I am a former Easterner and love NYC; that is what attracted me to your blog. Your wanderings, and thoughts are wonderful and very appreciated here. Please keep on going.
This is a post I think all bloggers write or at least think about from time to time, Robin. None of it surprises me, even coming from you. In fact, it helps to know I’m not the only one in the world.
I have two blogs, as you know. Interestingly, my personal blog (where I show-n-tell the nitty-gritty of my life) is the one I totally do for Astrid and me. I LOVE followers but have no emotional attachment anymore to how many I have. Part of that is because Astrid is not as open as I am and especially on FB would not want me to post that blog. Also, long ago daughter Amy (now 42) told me it was MY blog and I can do whatever I want. I’m reminded of that often when I start questioning myself.
On my single-photo-per-day Shutterchance blog, followers are more important to me, for some reason, though that need is lessening over time. It’s my artistic blog, as you know, where more of my own creative juices flow. It’s just different. Strangely, that’s where I feel more exposed…which doesn’t make sense at all, I’m sure.
Anyway, I didn’t know you get emails when someone unsubscribes to your blog, so I haven’t had to face that one yet. I’ll let you know when that happens. HA!
In the meantime, perhaps it is because I have met you in real life (or not??), I just LOVE your posts. They totally inspire me. The way you photograph, WHAT you photograph, and how you say just enough and no too much…I often think of YOU when I write my own In Soul posts…almost as though you were writing them. It would be a huge loss for me personally to not have your posyts to read…which is something I can’t say about everyone. And when there is a long lapse between posts, I sometimes will get ready to write you to make sure everything is okay!
Thank you for being open and honest in this post, but please don’t get any wild ideas about doing anything stupid. Just saying.
Love your blog and the way you let us be part of your travels and your life in NY and Arizona! I entered the blogging world very reluctantly . I don’t use Facebook and who would be interested in my boring life? Katrin helped and inspired me and through her I found your blog ….my daily delight! People who don’t see the beauty of your words nor the beauty of your photos don’t deserve your blog, if they unsubsribe …good!
Ps . The bathtub is around the corner from our house with a view over the Lake Geneva – planing a visit? See , I am not good at commenting comments!
Ps2 .if it would not have been for the blog we would not have met in NY! Love and keep on blogging!
I enjoy reading your blog and traveling with you. I have a love for NY even though I have never lived there except as a very young child, but had relatives in those 4 floor walk ups. Feel like I too am going somewhere with you. You are so very talented in your photography of life, people and places. Thank you.
Oh my… I am one of your lurkers…. I love your blog. I have never been to NYC and yet, I know one day I will get there. I do live in Mexico so your posts about here touch my heart. I just forwarded your blog to a friend of mine who just returned from NYC after a long absence there…. only 3 days and she is smitten again. Of course you must do what is best for you but I, for one, would miss your posts. Thank you for your take on things, fabulous photos and your generosity to share with others.
When I found your blog I felt like I had found a long lost friend. I so enjoy your photos and your travel stories; its like being there with you. One of these days I would like to go to NYC, with or without the other half. Just seeing and reading about your experiences there make me feel like I’ve been there. Would you be my tour guide? You already are! Keep it up, Robin!
There you have it! YOU blog for yourself and the people above. That is all that matters. You are an artist and as an artist you produce what your soul desires!
I’m a big fan of the blogging world, what a great place to meet interesting people! What I like the most is each one is a different type of space, depending on that person, and there’s the joy of it … you make it what you want, you change it when you’re ready, you write long ramblings when needed, you post images when the words are not there. You get excited when comments come but more so when true connections are made and you have to remember that you won’t connect with everyone, just like in “real life”.
You are one of the best things that I’ve been blessed with from this crazy thing that we do so thank goodness and please keep charging thru and it will just shake itself out.
‘I” have no problem with the “I”‘s 😉 I also have found that sometimes through a tech fluke, followers are dropped, so perhaps that’s what happened to your blog. I can’t imagine anyone truly wanting to unsubscribe. Your work speaks to many if not most people due to your skill, your content, you artistry vision and heart. So whatever you do, just announce so I can follow, often belatedly, but I always look forward with joy, to catching up.
Let me just say that I love your blog….it stretches my vision
and serves a brilliant purpose and I thank you for the time
and energy it takes to do it, friend. You’re heard and it matters.
I have been “unsubscribed” to almost as often as I’ve been
subscribed to. Really. I feel you. But I also think that
it’s worth it. Even if we’re just writing our stuff in the sand and
the tide will wash it away, it’s still our joy to express what’s in our
hearts and there will always be someones who walk by and smile:)
Can’t say how often you’ve put a smile in my heart,
I love your blog, I adore NYC, and I long to travel so my heart often does a little flip of joy when I visit here and see what you have been up to. As a blogger, I am becoming more focussed now on the work I want to do and far less bothered about blogging etiquette. That doesn’t mean I don’t buzz around reading blogs when I have the time or welcome the connections I have made with people. I don’t mean any disrespect either when I say that I have so little time that I have to measure it out carefully. I know there are all these blogging rules but I have broken every one of them and still survive!! Make up your own rules Robin, and keep making your wonderful photographs……that’s the gift you give us and it’s why we all come here just to soak it all in:~))
You are truely a gift Robin, and touch so very many of our lives.
I would be so sad if you decided not to blog any longer, and so will so many others.
You have opened up a world to me that I never knew existed. I enjoy your beautiful, emotionally evoking photographs and thoughts and you make a difference with your life!
Please try not to take people who unsubscribe personally. Sometimes people are just too busy or decide for personal reasons they don’t want to follow some bloggers. It’s OK, it doesn’t mean what you have to share is not appreciated or not interesting or not important.
Your talents, your voice, your photos, YOU, my dear Robin are important and loved by your followers. You make the world a better place and I am blessed to be a part of your life.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart and please don’t ever stop or doubt yourself.
I love you.
I always enjoy dropping bu your blog, your words and images can always resonate with me, the places you travel and those you meet you share and I for one find it interesting.
As for blogging I do it for me and me alone I photograph as it never fails to lift my soul, it will generally involve me being outdoors on a cycle or walking another of my must do pursuits . I always smile at the bloggers out there who judging by the sites they visit must never leave the computer.
Their vist will always be evidenced with the usual banal meaningless comment about how great the picture is, it seems most folk never offer comments of any merit as they always fit within this narrative. I took a decision to never advertise on mine, nor will you ever see vote for me at whatever.com.
I would hope you keep sharing your journey in life with all who drop by and forget the stats and crapola associated with such things.
Having said all of that I completely forgot to commend you for the accompanying shot, I really do love this, I have always loved B&W, it was how I started many many years ago, I still love film and recently started shooting this again. I find I have tired of digital for the moment it is so so nice to dev a roll of HP5 or Acros or whatever I decide to shoot with and see those glorious negs.
Oh Shooter, I feel the same way as you. I know the world loves digital photography but I still think it is and should be in it’s completely own category, as it is so very different from B&W, real film and developing in a darkroom – even hand touch-ups. It’s such a wonderful thing and I hope it doesn’t become extinct.
I have not picked it up again yet (one day I hope to) but am so glad to hear that you have and are enjoying it.
For me, blogging is a very personal thing. I don’t want to see nice picture, I want to see your city (and other places) through your eyes. If I want neutral stories, I can go to Wikipedia. So, each “I” is more than welcome! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your tours through the world.
As for how often – the more, the better. I’m struggling with the same thought these days, but I can honestly say that I love each one of your posts and would be happy to see more.
Stop over thinking and just continue what you are doing. What warms my heart the most is seeing how your photograpy has evolved, it is a pure expression of your uniqueness. Bravo! Your blog is breath of fresh air in a world of choking toxicity.
Ya know, there is a reason Nike has one of the most recognizable tag lines…..Just do it. It’s so simple but the hardest thing to do.
We have become a society that needs constant affirmation, reminding us we are special and productive. Get over it, we are all special with our own extraordinary talents. The trick is to reconize your talent and just do it!
PS I’m saying this to support you my sweet and your blog but also to remind myself.
PPS. Robert has added, there two main reasons to do a blog, one is to advertise yourself to the world, and the second, more importantly, to remind yourself of the heroines journey of discovery that you have taken, and of who you are in the world.
And…anything done from love is important.