Don’t know about you…but I gave up on making resolutions a long time ago. Great intentions…I just never seem to follow through. Oh, and then there’s the “word” for the new year. Hmm…never had much luck with that either. So even though I have one (a word) this year…I do wonder how long I’ll feel inspired to keep it in front of me as my guide for the year. So we’ll see. Perhaps if I tie it to photography that’ll help. <smile>
My “word” came to me in the mountains of Kalaw in Myanmar. Trekking along…not feeling well…putting one foot in front of the other…just appreciating being in the moment. The word “mindfulness” came to me. Then the phrase…”simple-mindfulness.” Our modern lives here in the U.S…our hectic lifestyles…our metropolitan conveniences…all coming to almost a complete halt in this country called Myanmar. In Myanmar the electricity goes off when you least expect it…the internet may shows some bars…but often not a connection…the clothes dryer? A simple limb of a tree. A simpler life…a more mindful life?
I’m sure there are a number of different definitions of mindfulness, but my definition is simply being present in the moment. How often do we just skip through the day…we don’t have or take the time to be present…to really see. I think Georgia O’Keeffe summed it up well in her quote…In a way, nobody sees a flower really, it is so small, we haven’t the time – and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.
So I want to be more mindful this new year…even if it’s just a minute or two a day. Who knows…perhaps that minute or two will become a few. And perhaps with my photography, if I could persuade you to find a moment or two…well that’s just a win-win for us all, right? Which is why this year I’m really going to delve into still life photography. Don’t worry…I will still be “on the streets” so to speak when I’m in my city – more on that a little later – and yes…still travelling – more on that a little later too – but for now…I’ll be getting tons of inspiration for documenting my family and travel “treasures” from an upcoming year long course on still photography…and yes, more on that later too!
So here’s to simple-mindfulness and the new year! Would love to hear about your intentions…resolutions…your word…your approach…but most of all…
Whether you celebrate with the coming of winter solstice…
or at the beginning of the new calendar year…
may 2015 bring you peace, happiness and a joyful spirit!
P.S. If you’re interested in a some meaningful comments about mindfulness…check out the daily Buddha inspiration here. It’s perfect if you find yourself a touch interested. And yes, Jim…mindfulness is a work in progress for sure!
I love your process, your word…the simplicity of it.
I crave simplicity and practicing simple presence this year, too.
Been mulling over words and I keep putting them back.
Wonder what will choose me.
Whatever may, love and cool runnings to you;
hope this next jaunt around the sun
is your sweetest so far,
Geez….Jennifer….you have a way with words! Love!
It’s a good word, Robin, and one I wouldn’t mind choosing for myself. I haven’t come up with one yet and maybe hope, like with Jennifer, one will choose me. I’m still working on my quote for the year, which has become my “intention” each year, in that it speaks to me about what’s important to me.
2014 held an incredible journey for many of us. I ‘spect 2015 will be no different in that regard, so here’s to a GOOD JOURNEY to us all as we each navigate it in our own way. Hip-hip-hooray!
Thanks Ginnie! Here’s to a creative and healthy 2015! xo
Robin, I am walking alongside you in efforts to become mindful. After years of looking outside myself for for how I should feel or act, I am now looking within for the answers I seek. I agree with you that still life photography can help immensely with being mindful – and I suspect we will be venturing together in the year long course (I’ve signed up, too). I wish I could express my intentions for the new year as eloquently and simply as you have . . . but I have found a thoughtful blog post that summarizes how I’d like to begin 2015. Hope you enjoy this view, too!
Thanks so much Donna. I’m so happy our paths have crossed! So looking forward to all of your creations in 2015!! Thanks for the link too! Good stuff.
It is indeed a wonderful word. I think it will be a very interesting year next year. I have to trust that everything will work out and when not, find a way to cope with it.
Me too have to slow down and take it one step at the time.
Sometimes I want too much done in too little time.
But life is a learning curve and I am very eager to learn.
Have a wonderful start of the new year, we are all eager to see where it takes us.
Hugs and love.
Thanks Astrid! I’m loving my word…and thinking this one may stick with me a while instead of heading down the rabbit hole, ha ha! With creativity galore…here’s a another amazing year!
When I walk sighted guide with my daughter, Shantel, I find I am always in the present as I explain what I am seeing to her every step of the way. Helping her “see” the world around us through my words always keeps me mindful, and in the exact moment. When I visit my 88 year old mother at the Care Center where she lives, and also visit with the other residents that live there, I am reminded how important it is to live for today, and not look ahead of what is not yet ours… This year I will simply stay the course of the journey I am on.. Happy New Year! Xoxo
I think of you all the time and how you’ve had to live your life being in the moment…being present every step of the way with Shantel. That’s why you are one amazing person…and I’m so fortunate to call you my friend, my sister, my frister, my Bella! Love you!
I’ve never been one to make resolutions and not even thinking about a word this year, just going to let it all come, soak in or run off … but I so agree with staying quiet & peaceful, I’ve settled into this over the past year … and I like it! and love trying to keep up with you & your life & travels, what a joy!
I agree:)