There once was a girl who went to Romita…
she searched…
she asked…
she found?
It was a chance.
A bus ride, then a taxi ride to a small town in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico called Romita.
A town where her grandmother and mother lived many, many years ago.
And only after an hour or so…a connection.
Could there be relatives?
Is there a family reunion in her future?
Possibly…but we’ll have to stay tuned.
What an outpouring of love and support from so many of you on my last post. <wowie zowie>
There were so many excellent comments, but what really stood out was the fact that by having this blog I’ve made so many wonderful new friends. Some I had no clue was even out there…some I haven’t physically met…(yet)…some I’ve only had a brief encounter…and some I’ve known for years. The bottom line? That’s the important part. I so needed that reminder. Thank you, thank you.
I do plan to make a few changes. Like no longer dealing with Facebook for my blog postings. But, I do have thoughts of Instagram…and with the potential release of the new iPhone (my first) I look forward to playing with all the fun apps that are available. But anyway, that’s still a little ways away. I also figured out how to make the “audience overview” go away, so I no longer see the stats every day. I’ll still get those dagger emails that someone doesn’t care about my blog anymore, but I’ll just have to pull my big girl panties up and deal with it!
I really think I just needed to get those thoughts out of my head and I so appreciate all of your responses whether thru the blog comments or separate emails. I really, really do appreciate you taking the time.
So, look for more fun things coming soon! I so love sharing what I’m so fortunate to see and do!
Plus, I promise to reduce the “I” this and “I” that…as often as possible.
Unless I go off on a tangent which I’ve promised myself to do as often as possible.
That way you’ll know I’m human.
I’ll use this blog to share my travels, to share this incredible city, to share the beautiful Sonoran desert, and to share my personal thoughts, struggles and accomplishments.
Thank you! Gracias! Merci! Danke! Tack! شكرا
And what happened? Do I have to wait until tomorrow to learn if she found her family? Oh my!
The two ladies behind the stall? Priceless.
Now that’s what I’m talking about… that’s the frissy I know and love… Welcome back from you temporary moment of uncertainness, if that’s what it was… You scared me for just a minute there frissy… I just have one more little request… don’t worry so much about the “I this and I that, in your blog…” It is YOUR blog and I for one very much want to hear what the “I” in YOU has to say about YOUR stuff….Can’t wait to here more, and more, and more… XoXo MORE!!!
Well, then. Moving right along…JUST AS WE ALL WANTED! DUH! (Sometimes we have to stop thinking so much and just do what we want to do.)
No matter what platform you use, I will try and find you and your truly excellent art:)
I love the way you live your life looking……
thanks for sharing along the way,
Glad to hear the comments helped. Always love your posts and look forward to you sharing many more. I love you!!!!!! xoxoxoxo
Robin, that’s a short film in pictures! Love it.