Gosh. It seems like forever since I’ve been in this little space of mine. Let’s see…ten days since my last post. Ten days of angst over what all is happening in our world. I don’t know about you, but I’ve just been appalled at what’s been going on with the Syrian refugees. So finally I spent some time and put my feelings together and posted it on my personal Facebook page today. I know some of you have already read it, so my apologies for a rerun. It was really meant for Facebook because my angst has been with so much of the nastiness that’s been posted recently regarding this crisis. I know we’re all entitled to our opinions, but some of the stuff that’s being said and shared is just too over the top for me. People making statements that just aren’t accurate. So I’m sure you’re thinking right now…why even continue with Facebook? Well I’ve wrestled with that too. But in general, I like connecting with people that I’ve known since first grade, family that I rarely see, keeping tabs on friends…and then there’s my mom. So I have my reasons.
I must say…it was so very helpful to just get it out of my system. You know what they say…write it out and you’ll feel better. And I did. In addition, I think attending two classes at the International Center for Photography over the weekend really helped too. I walked away with so much inspiration it’s hard to describe in words.
So here’s what I wrote on my Facebook page…along with this image.
It’s understandable that we are all concerned based on what’s happening in our world today. When I follow a person with a backpack into the subway here in NYC…or when I’m in a crowded area like the last two days as I made my way through Times Square to attend a class…I’m reminded how easy it would be for someone to do to us what was recently done in Paris and Beirut.
But really…everyone is worried about refugees? A process that takes years for them to come to our country? But what about the people that just buy a plane ticket? I mean really…all that takes is a passport. Millions of people enter the United States that way every year. I’m one of those that wants us to continue welcoming refugees like we have throughout history. I have compassion for the refugees, including their children who have experienced unspeakable horror and trauma. It has nothing to do with politics, it’s me having a heart filled with compassion…something my parents taught me and I’m proud to have.
But what also has my stomach in knots is people sharing statements on Facebook without bothering to read and learn the facts from a reputable source. Yes, we all have the right to an opinion, but give some thought before you comment or share this hateful internet stuff…look at where that information is coming from. Is the source reputable and trusted? Have you fact checked statements from politicians or just assumed the worst was true and shared it? I’ve had enough with all the fear, suspicion, stereotypes and prejudice and don’t need to see anymore. And yes, we all know how to unfriend or defriend if that’s what it takes.
When I made this image I knew one day it would represent “something.” That “something” is very clear to me now. Do I enter those doors? What is around the corner? Will it be someone welcoming me?…or someone who wants to send me back?…or worse?
I’ve received many warm thoughts and comments…and now I’m in a better frame of mind to move forward and out of this funk. There really is power in writing it out and moving on.
So on to a little about the courses I took. Saturday was all about making sense of your pictures. There were 15 of us in the class and we were instructed to bring 20 of our images that we really liked. Of course a successful class has a lot to do with the instructor and we had an excellent one. So we spent all day reviewing our images, determining the strongest ones and then finding their connection…and then grouping the ones that had something in common. A wonderful hands on experience…I learned so much by doing.
The next day was all about how to look at photographs. The course description read something like this…This workshop is about looking at photos, considering them, thinking about them, taught by someone who has been doing that for many years. I really didn’t know what to expect with this course. We were told to bring three photos that we really liked that had been taken by another photographer. This class was the best class I’ve ever taken. Once again, it was all about the instructor…and in this case it was W.H. Hunt…or Bill Hunt, a collector of photographs for four decades. He spent hours explaining what he saw in an image that would possess him to buy it. This my friends is the luxury of living in one of the largest cities in the world…the talent that is brought in for these classes is unsurpassed.
Which brings me to gratitude. It’s that time of year to give thanks…even though this happens every night when my head hits the pillow. For those of us celebrating Thanksgiving…I just want to say how fortunate I am to have this wonderful city at my finger tips…to have the beauty of the Sonoran desert to call home as well…the ability to travel to so many amazing parts of our world…to have wonderful family and friends…and the freedom just to write this blog. And with that…I want to thank each and every one of you for being part of my little community. I so enjoy your visits and comments.
In a few days I’m off to Vietnam…several days exploring Hanoi before heading to the northwest region called Mai Châu. Just this week a plan has come together to visit a small school of 80 students where assistance is very much needed for 20 of them. So we’ll be taking school supplies and clothes to help those in need. I love this part of traveling…the ability to give to those who need it the most. It all depends on the internet connection, but hopefully at least through Instagram I can share some of my daily experiences and then of course an update to the blog once I return home.
And…I haven’t forgotten about my give away! Perhaps even a couple! So stay tuned!
Very eloquently written, poignant expressions of your feelings and haunting image that you took in the past, knowing it would represent “something”. Serendipity at it’s finest.
I am glad you were able to feel better after expressing your feelings. They are very real and validated. You have seen so much of the world and know so much about people and suffering.
The sadness that looms over us all is that the sick people of the world procreate and teach hatred and violence to their children, who are born innocent. Unfortunately, this is why the cycle doesn’t end and will never end.
I love your heart and humanty.
I am so glad you enjoyed your class and had a great instructor. Especially after your anxiety with the class in August, I am so happy you had a wonderful experience.
I am struggling with a lot of emotions lately, especially with the state of the world and I struggle during the holidays, always. More surgeries up north, too. Leaving next week and lots of problems with other stuff.
For the first time in a very long time, I am finding it difficult to be grateful, thankful and have faith in my heart. I am feeling very guilty about that.
Your updates from Vietnam and especially the trip to the school to help the children, I am certain will shake me up and back to reality.
One thing for sure is that I am very grateful for you, RR. You keep me grounded and break through the wall I tend to build around my heart, with your beautiful soul.
Save travels, my dear. Please give those little ones an extra hug for me in Vietnam.
I love you and will look for your updates on Instagram.
Happy Thanksgiving, dearest Robin to you, mom, your family and friends.
You KNOW I’m glad you “got it out of your system,” because it needed to be said. Others, too, are saying it, in bits-n-pieces along the way. As regards FB, I am so on your same page, “connecting with people that I’ve known since first grade, family that I rarely see, keeping tabs on friends…. So I have my reasons.”
You are on your own Path that includes the kind of travel most of us will never savor…except through your stories and photography. So keep taking those classes and keep finding the story in what you photograph, because we are definitely following you!
I am so excited for your upcoming trip and I can’t wait to see it through your eyes..through your lens. ENJOY!!
I have been going less and less to Facebook for part of the reason of wanting to avoid people writing things without thinking. It’s become way too easy. I always went to FB to see what people I know are doing and the photos they are sharing but fewer and fewer posts are like that. I regret missing things I’d like to have seen but right now, it’s not worth it to me. Sometimes I need a break. And always I want something more real, like your trip to Vietnam, your photography class, being in the world rather than a scan of a computer site and clicking “Like” to let someone know I’ve been there. I want a deeper connection than that. I just haven’t figured out exactly how to get it.
I can’t wait to see your upcoming photos. You bring the gift of seeing so many places I’ve never been. Thank you.
Bless you, again, for that amazing write you shared on FB. You expressed what I had been feeling for a while too.
I am grateful for you being here, the beauty of what you see and create just blows me away. Have a fabulous trip to Vietnam and travel safe. xo
Loved your FB post and I agree that it always helps to write things out. Safe travels. I will be looking forward to reading all about your Vietnam trip. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours… Know that Bro are thankful that you are in our lives and we can’t wait to see you again soon! Love you MORE!. XoXo
Robin, You have expressed my feelings regarding the situation with the refugees . . . exactly. I share your frustration. I firmly believe that policies and beliefs are not tested until applied to a single person. I am not at all convinced that it would be so easy to refuse safety and compassion when applied to an individual – rather than a faceless entity. Your view is balanced and heartfelt. Thank you for putting into words how I feel.
On a happier note, I am overjoyed in hearing of your recent photography classes. They sound like classes I would love. I just can’t wade through another technical class, but my spirit is renewed and inspired by living with and talking about and practicing art and making. The Visual Design Center I visited in Richmond this week has some classes that sound similar to yours, and I can’t wait to try them out in January 2016. In the meantime, I will soak up all that you share you here – and learn from your perspective, your advice, and your kindness. And just because I want to share . . . I read a great blog post today that really spoke to me . . . and might to you as well – on the difference between NICE and KIND. http://www.randibuckley.com/the-difference-between-nice-and-kind/
Safe travels, and I will look forward to everything you share. Thank you for reaching out to give to children. Take lots of pictures so I can see what you see and feel what you feel – and your pictures will resonate within me – because we are the same kind.
I’m not surprised that so many of us feel the same way about things right now, I only go to fb to check on my important people and don’t let the other stuff take up any of my time. I’m so happy to hear about your amazing, interesting classes, your sweet gratitude for your life and this upcoming trip … a wonderful addition that you guys will have a connection with a school. I look forward to all that I know you will be sharing, bet that camera is going to get a real workout! I wish you travel mercies and tomorrow a happy and mellow Thanksgiving. xoxo
Wonderful comments – you are blessed with very kind friends. I don’t know where our world is heading but it fills me with concern and fear. I don’t waste my time on stupid people and/or stupid remarks on FB or in person. Refugees are no terrorists and where I can help I happily do it. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving but I am grateful for my country which is accepting thousands of refugees on a daily basis – the first time in my life that I am a little proud of being German.
Happy to hear that you enjoyed your classes, looking forward to see all what you’ve learned in your pictures from Vietnam. It sounds like an amazing trip.
Robin, I love that you have spoken out. In particular as I sometimes feel so cut off from what my American sisters might be feeling about all this. I see ugly stuff from the US all the time and it skews the way I understand how an ordinary woman might feel? I can filter the local stuff and I think I have a different perspective on my FB time line as I follow certain things and people and avoid so much of the horrible stuff. They say never discuss politics and I am often scared to offend…..so it is with great relief that I hear your voice above the noise. Your travel is CRUCIAL to how you understand the world. Keep shining a light on what you see. And as usual I am envious of your NYC access to such wonderful inspiration. xxxx
Bravo! On my recent trip to NYC the bit that remains with me is the visit to Ellis Island, I could feel all the emotion from years past in that building. I came away with admiration for the ethos of the day that all were welcome and that very few had to return… I’m not a FB fan and I know the blogging world seems to be shrinking giving way to other forms of social media but coming here where honest conversations are held is a privilege and blessing. Thank you. Love the image BTW. x
I hear your heart and share your concern.
I believe compassion and discernment are both equally important
in protecting and loving both the ones who need and want to join us
and the ones who we already have a responsibility towards here at home.
I love the way you honestly walked through your feelings and pulled them
into sentences to share.
Bravo and thanks,
I seem to be very late in replying for some reason, which is very poor of me. I hope you are having a lovely trip and. apart from anything else I just wanted to applaud the display of courage you showed in speaking up on behalf of the refugees. One thing exposure to social media has taught me is that, along with the large body of lovely people, there are some quite disturbing nutters out there and attracting their attention has always unnerved me. I have spoken out on my blog on a few issues but on this one, as you would expect, I entirely applaud your sentiments.
Vietnam? My dear, that’s another one of my dreams you are going to experience (obviously one of yours, too). have a great, safe trip, and I can’t wait to see your photos – next best thing to traveling myself to Vietnam!