A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.
–Diane Arbus
As mentioned in a previous posting, I’ve never been good at tooting my own horn. But, since several of you have asked…I thought I’d not only share my images that were chosen for a juried exhibition, but also my experiences as well. But let’s back up. After I knew that I would be spending more time in New York City and my love of photography continued to grow, I decided to join a photography club. So I did the research and found a group of women photographers. Their meeting location was within walking distance of the apartment and with the group being female…well my thinking was they’d be welcoming and more willing to share their knowledge. (I know…we’ll get to that in a minute. Just call me naive.)
My first year I submitted four images for the club’s annual exhibit and had one of them chosen. Of course I was thrilled and excited and all those emotions that one can expect when you’re just beginning the photography journey. The first call for submissions was in 2011 and honestly I can’t recall who juried the show. The theme was abstract and my image “Jacaranda” was chosen. The exhibition was held at a Manhattan camera store (Calamet) that had an amazing exhibition area, but unfortunately is no longer in business. Wow…my first involvement in an exhibition and in New York City…
The following year the theme was around abandonment and was juried by the prominent photographer, Amy Arbus and daughter of Diane Arbus. I adore her work and her thoughts about photography in general…“I became a photographer to have an interesting life; I had a really romantic view of what my mother’s life was but, once I started getting involved and trying to make a living as a photographer I realised how freaking difficult it was. But it was not dull. And I went off to places that I would never have thought to go and met these people I would never have met. There’s a lot of non-verbal communication, chemistry, it’s a lot about making snap decisions of how somebody needs to be treated or wants to be treated and I find that really interesting. I mean, 30 years later I’m still not remotely bored of it. I’m intrigued.” The exhibition was at the Powerhouse Arena in the Dumbo area of Brooklyn. This is an incredible space for exhibitions and events…and home to the world-renowned art book publisher Powerhouse Books…so of course a great book store too! (An area and store one should visit whenever you’re in the city!) Anyway, of course I was thrilled beyond words…and even more thrilled that not just one…but three of my four images were chosen! And once again, an exhibition in New York City!
Image 1: My Daddy Has Alzheimer’s
Image 2: Haunted (from my visit to the Eastern State Penitentiary)
Image 3: Moroccan Man (from one of my visits to Morocco)
So what did I learn from all of this? Well first of all submitting and then preparing for an exhibit requires not only a lot of time, but expense as well. In both exhibits there were specific size and framing requirements which meant higher costs. It only took those two times for me to ask myself…why am I doing this? But more important…remember that photography group that I was searching for that would be nurturing and welcoming and willing to share? Yep, didn’t happen. This group was the most closed off group of women I’ve ever been associated with. Rarely would anyone even speak to me at the monthly meetings and after years of networking in my career…it was not on my priority list to begin all of that again. On top of that…the club was controlled by a small group of women…and when you aren’t in the club…well you know how that goes. Since life is way too short…I quit the club as well as submitting for juried shows. No doubt it was a learning experience and I think every photographer who is serious about their work should do it at least once! I know many people thrive on it…it just didn’t do it for me. I will also note that as I’ve attended more gallery shows and visited artists studios in the city, I have found it to be the MEN who are more willing to share! So there you have it…lessons learned.
For the seasoned photographer it is always a dilemma on how to get your work out there, or even if you do. Thank you for your post on this topic because it is always a struggle.
I believe artists are solitary creatures, living their life by their own rules, guided by there passion. The word club sends shivers up my spine. If I have to be a joiner and conform in some way for the sake of the club, it ain’t happening.
So congrats for giving it a shot, and congrats for being recognized for your splendid work. Maybe we should start our own non-club.
Well you know I’d play in your sandbox anytime! What I have learned during this journey so far is that I love sharing what I see through my blog and instagram. I get so much inspiration from others…so my thought is someone out there could perhaps get a little from me. At one time I thought I’d want to do more in the “gallery” scene, but this experience opened my eyes. But having said that… I still think I want to do more if it helps a cause…and when that time comes I think (hope) it’ll be a more “organic” experience/journey. Thanks always for sharing your thoughts…❤️
Yeah, Abby’s non club is probably the only one I would consider joining. I’ve never been a joiner and don’t want to start now but I’m proud of you for doing your thing and glad more people got a chance to see these amazing images, of course you know my favorite is of your sweet daddy. I don’t remember your time at the Pen ( ha!) but that is one hell of a photo!!
I like to think we as women will eventually get our acts together and just naturally and strongly be supportive and uplifting of each other … it’ll be great! I feel that we are getting better at it all the time.
Way to go, sister, you rock!
Oh Susan…so hope one day you can meet Abby! You would LOVE playing in her sandbox for sure! 🙂 Yes, the State Pen visit was a day filled with wabi-sabi so I was in total heaven. If anyone lives in Philly and they haven’t been…well they are really missing out for sure. In this particular cell, an artist had a very faint image of this prisoner being displayed from a projector (with voice) giving it a very eerie feeling. Just fabulous!
Thanks always for sharing your thoughts…so enjoy you! ❤️
I don’t even know how to begin a response without going into my own journey with photography, Robin, because sometimes my son and daughter both ask me why I’m not “submitting” some of my photos to stock sites, for instance. I tried once years ago and finally just got over it because of all the stress with getting everything just exactly “right” the way THEY wanted it. It totally took away all the fun and personal satisfaction I was having, doing my own thing. Besides, I find I keep changing what I do all the time, learning new things, discarding old “manipulations,” etc., etc.
Bottom line, there is such a glut of photography out there (as I keep telling my kids), I can’t even begin to compete with it. With you being in NYC and being in the right place at the right time, I could imagine you finding the right “group” or the right venue that would recognize your gifts and then take you under their wing (?). Does that even happen anymore nowadays??? Maybe because of your trips to exotic places, you have a mine field of gold for the rest of the world that doesn’t experience what you have. Your personal touch…your human touch…is what makes you unique. I can see a place for you. But I don’t think it will happen because you’re “juried.” I think it will happen because someone “important” finds you. Who knows.
In the meantime, there are those of us in your fan club who will keep fanning your flames. Keep doing the work of your heart…your passion…and we will come. Others will join the caravan over time and will, perhaps, surprise you……
Ginnie, that’s exactly what I felt going through this whole exhibition process…it totally took away all the fun and personal satisfaction – especially the second go around. But I think it is just part of the entire journey…just as you mention about changing things all the time. I just want to have fun and share with people what I see and I know you do as well! I don’t want to be tied down to something, unless it is for some cause that I have a deep connection with…and if that does happen I just want it to be a part of the journey and not something that I have to “work” at. I hope I’m making sense! Ha! And yes, “WHO KNOWS!” is so correct! 🙂 You have always been a huge supporter and for that I’m so grateful. THANK YOU! ❤️
Why my RR, thank you for sharing your experiences (negative & positive). I would have never known and always knew your talents need to be shared with the world. You have an incredible gift with people and an amazing way you capture life.
I get that it’s not your personality to toot your own horn but it has been an amazing journey to watch your photography and stories evolve into the incredible and amazing way that your beautiful heart transform into your vision and voice. To not share that would be a great loss to society. We are so blessed to follow your journey.
Yes, photography is a form of art that definitely needs technical aspects that should be learned but YOUR heart, soul and self are expressed so deeply and touching in your photograhs and stories along with them. The camera is a tool, a conduit to your visions but these days with digital cameras and computer editing, anyone would need to learn how to use it to acheive the best results.
Kudos to you for trying the women’s club. I am sorry they must be the same meditating, yoga bitches from the park!
How the world would be a better place if women weren’t “clicky” and we all lifted each other up instead of being so insecure. Maybe it’s more prominent here in our country, as oppossed to all the women you got to know around the world who need one another to survive.
I am so gld you did enter these exhibitions and did get chosen. You deserve it. I know you don’t enter for accolades or approval but to perhaps learn. You are always open to learning.
Oh, and your daddy’s photo is the one that touched me so deeply, I couldn’t sleep and was inspired to write the poem for you, involving more of my thoughts of the feelings that were stirred up on all the photos of dad and your heartfelt, heartbreaking, beautiful and even sometimes amusing blog to compliment the wonderful man whom at that time you had never showed his face. I had fallen in love with him and later learned how he touched so many lives, just like his wonderful daughter, YOU, my dear.
Thank you so much.
Love & miss you, RR.
As always you make me feel so GOOD. Thank you so much Lisa. Always supporting me and giving me such positive feedback. Thank you so very very much. I had to laugh when you said they must be the same yoga bitches from the park! Not sure why I’m after the bitches lately, ha ha!! I’m sure it’s the Trump world that’s making me so crazy these days…sigh.
Anyway, gosh…couldn’t agree more with your thoughts about women helping each other. The last time I was in Vietnam and sitting out on the patio and watching and listening to the women working in the rice fields…I thought then…they’re enjoying each other and supporting each other and thought how wonderful that was to experience. I agree, I think it has to do a lot with needing one another just to SURVIVE. So well articulated.
And yes, my daddy…I knew you would be familiar with that image because of your poem. I read it just a few days ago when I was rearranging some of my files. Very thoughtful of you…always. So appreciate you…from the moment I saw you. Thank you so much. ❤️
Wow, great lessons. So good that you went for it, were open, and learned them.
Congratulations on these being chosen. And really, my feeling after reading your post and your feelings is that the images simply speak for themselves. It is grand that they were winners. They are moving and powerful, and you have that heart and skill. I love that you are in the world sharing your vision with us.
Thank you Ruth! As I’m writing these responses my mind goes to how many WONDERFUL and SUPPORTIVE people (mostly women!) I have met through blogging and what a joy and pleasure it is to have all of you in my life. THANK YOU always! ❤️
Fantastic! I especially love the one of your father. Anyone who has a parent with Alzheimer can feel the power of this image.
I really resonated with this line – “And I went off to places that I would never have thought to go and met these people I would never have met.” I pushed myself so much further with a camera in my hand… to “get that photo for the blog”!! And met a lot more people doing this. As always – enjoy your posts so much… no only beautiful to look at, but they make us think.
Thanks so much Cathy for your thoughts…I totally agree with you on the quote resonating…I know that travel has opened my eyes in SO MANY WAYS over the years! So appreciate you following along and providing your feedback! Enjoy Bangkok!! ❤️
Bro and I are and always have been so very proud of you and we think your photography work is the absolute best! We think it is better than National Geographic. I have always been impressed with the ease in which you network with people so I can’t even imagine that group of women in the photography club not only welcoming you into their group, but that they weren’t trying to get YOU to share your knowledge of photography with them. They don’t know what a gem they lost when you left that group. You are a great photographer and don’t need a group of high brows to confirm that. Those of us that know and love you, and follow your work, already know what a gift you have and we are honored that you share your work and experiences with us. Love and hugs from your Bro and Frister. XoXo
You two…always cheering me along! Thank you always…but you are my frister and bro so you are supposed to, ha ha!! No really…always appreciate the kudos and cheers! This journey has taught me so much and I continue to learn every single day and that’s what I love about photography. So appreciate you both following along. xoxo more! ❤️
Robin, Your experiences with photography clubs and juried shows mirror mine exactly! I have found much greater inspiration for my photography by places and things not-photography-related, like books and museums and long walks and music than through any club. And after participating in many juried shows, I’ve found a greater joy sharing my work in a local coffee shop owned by two sisters – no jury, less expense, and the honor of making friends who love our community and all things creative.
All that being said, your work is deeply compelling and interesting, and if I were the judge, you’d win every time! Always a pleasure to visit you!
Something told me our experiences would probably mirror each others because we have so many of the same thoughts as we move through this creative journey. Couldn’t agree more as to the “places” and “situations” and “things” that inspire us instead of “clubs.” But what’s great about life is there’s something for everyone, right?! Congrats for finding a place to share your creative work! That’s wonderful! Always enjoy hearing from you and so love following your 365 project. Just fabulous!❤️
So much for sisterhood .. . I had similar experiences with an art history class.
Dear – I admire your work and your talent . Your fathers image is touching ,tender and loving.
But “Haunted” is just so intense and will stay with me for a long time. All of them are winners and I admire your courage to submit it to a jury.
I love the way you are looking at our world and your people pictures are always the best -captured with respect and love for the person.
Exactly Karen! So much for sisterhood. I’m hoping there are “clubs” out there that are mentoring and taking folks under the wings so to speak. I know I can recall all those mentoring moments that had an impact on me throughout my life! Yes, “haunted” brings me right back to that moment of seeing that film clip in that cell and it was very very eerie…my mind immediately went to how this place would be an amazing haunted house at Halloween! Thanks so much my dear…so appreciated!! ❤️
Hello, first of all I am smitten by your images, all of them especially the one of your father. I am entering that time of life when these things become a scary reality, you have captured the vulnerability of ageing with such tenderness. I can understand that other’s are touched by your image so much that it inspires them to want to write words of poetry… Second who needs those groups anyway? When you have all of the encouragement and nurturing sister support here on-line, we are a group already! My own experience of being in a group of exhibiting artists is mixed, we formed after graduating college but when I think back the egotistic elitist culture ruled!
Thank you…so much Susan. Gosh, you are so right and I was thinking the same as I made my way through all of these great comments. The sister support is absolutely right here! And I’m am so APPRECIATIVE!! Love when you visit and comment…so happy our paths have crossed!! ❤️
Your work is my own personal window into a NYC life lived in a true creative spirit!! I’ve always thought that this online world is as good an exhibition space as any gallery, maybe even better. I would never get access to you and your photography except through this weird and wonderful world of blogging and sharing….Having said that I am aiming to get a one woman show together for 2017. Madness maybe but I reckon all I need is a venue and the work……? I’m going to do it for me…..not for any other reason…..maybe it will be one thing off my artist bucket list before I am too old…..great blogpost ringing so many bells……let’s keep on keepin on…
So true Catherine! I know it isn’t exactly a gallery experience, but the internet is the next best thing! We all have our own little private shows don’t we! Good luck on your one gal show…I know it’ll be terrific! It may totally work for you and then one day I’ll attend your opening in NYC! Yep, let’s keep on keepin on! Thank you for your visit!
So agree with all the comments – I feel philosophical this morning so here is my view.
The Universe will set us straight every time – I almost think that IT has a sense of humor and relishes in making us see what we don’t see.
Since I retired I have become very analytical of people’s behavior in a clinical way. Corporate America was a good teacher___LOL
Most man are made to focus on sexual satisfaction and food. They get very moody and unhappy if they are not satisfied in these two areas. What we see is what we get. Men don’t see a threat on another man or a woman, they see challenge and competition. Man welcome women because we are easy on the eye____hard to figure us out and a challenge. Men love to have us around. Without us they wither and die.
Women are wired differently, We think deeper, assess, calculate, and strategize. Most women are very jealous, possessive of their comfort zone and slow to accept and welcome someone new. When a new woman comes into the mix, we size her up and often the invisible wall goes up.
Emotion plays a big role in what we do. So often, what comes out of our mouth is not what we are thinking. Have you ever seen Jurassic Park the original movie? I equate men to T-Rex and women to the Velociraptor.
We could rule the world but customs and social norms hold us back.
Always enjoy and love when you get into your philosophical moods!!! And always enjoy your visits. xoxo
Wow, Robin, congratulations! You know that I’m deeply impressed by the development you made during the last years. One can see your dedication in every single photo.
You know why your father’s picture touches me most …, and I’m still dreaming of going with you onto a photo tour through NYC one day. Or in Cologne, or in France or …
a big hug, Katrin
Yes, I do know why unfortunately… Thank you so much! Can’t believe we’ve been following each other for all this time so your words mean a lot to me. Yes, it will happen somewhere in this world – one day! I know it!!! Hugs back at ya! xo
Your experience with the photography club brought flashbacks of middle school. Ugh! I guess some women never outgrow their need for cliques. They grow older but somehow not wiser or kinder.
I always enjoy your work Robin and I found the photo of your father particularly powerful. I’m probably projecting some of my own feelings of sadness and loss. Three years ago I watched a dear aunt succumb to the effects of this dreadful disease, gradually robbed of her independence, her intellect and her dignity.
So glad that you’re now an IGer since I’m more likely to see your wonderful photos regularly. I always seem to be playing catchup here. There, too, but not as much 😉
Thanks Patricia! I know…it’s hard to keep all the social media balls up in the air! Always enjoy your visits…here or on IG!