I thought this quote from Morgan Freeman was perfect. Does this gentleman have to live this way? Perhaps he wants to? I do love when I can learn their story though…this one just wasn’t possible. Thanks for stopping and commenting!
Robin, this is one of my favourite pictures ever. And it reminded me of the story when I was in college … there was a very sweet ‘homeless’ guy, who used to be a professor, but chose to live on the streets … and was happy the way he lived.
AMEN to that!!! Love it and you…XXOO and counting. 🙂
Absolutely excellent!
Oh my, Robin. Coming from dear Morgan Freeman makes it all that much more powerful!
Very poignant quote and oh so right.
The stories of the City can be heart
wrenching at times.
It can happen to anybody and never say never.
Reality is not always a happy sight.
Wonder what his story is…..
I thought this quote from Morgan Freeman was perfect. Does this gentleman have to live this way? Perhaps he wants to? I do love when I can learn their story though…this one just wasn’t possible. Thanks for stopping and commenting!
Robin, this is one of my favourite pictures ever. And it reminded me of the story when I was in college … there was a very sweet ‘homeless’ guy, who used to be a professor, but chose to live on the streets … and was happy the way he lived.
There, but for the grace of God…