Remember me? I know…it’s even hard for me to believe that I didn’t post at all during July! It was the first month that I’ve missed posting something in the seven years that I’ve been publishing my little blog. So here I am…it’s summer in New York City…and it’s been a busy one so far with guests and even a trip to spend some time with my family in Virginia. But, for you Instagram peeps…you know I’ve been alive and well! And truth be known…IG is my favorite place to escape from all the craziness in this world!
Let’s start with the sad and get that out of the way…
In the latter part of June, I attended two memorials for the victims of the Orlando shooting. The first one at the amazing Cathedral of Saint John the Divine (shown above) in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan. As one can imagine…I cried my eyes out during this emotional service in this larger than life cathedral. The following day was my regular Sunday service at the Community Meditation Center in my neighborhood. We all brought a flower and placed them at the front of the meditation hall…a simple gesture of unity and inclusiveness. The founder and teacher of our center (Allan Lokos) said it best…”Those in Orlando, Charleston, Newtown, and so many others, may not know about us gathering here this morning, but the significance of our time together as a sangha, a community, cannot be overestimated. We too need the support of our community. We also have been wounded and we grieve.” There’s really no words for everything going on in our world…
On another sad note…unfortunately the summer started off with the passing of Bill Cunningham, the famed New York Times photographer. If you’ve ever picked up the Sunday New York Times…you know that Bill was the center of fashion and the father of street style. Even in 2009 the New York Landmarks Conservancy made him a living landmark. I had the pleasure of coming across Bill one day on Fifth Avenue and it was such a treat to turn the camera his way… If you ever get the chance his documentary – Bill Cunningham New York – is heartwarming and so inspiring! Thrilled to know that the corner of 5th Avenue and 57th Street will soon be named after him. His presence here in the city, as well as his unique ability to capture fashion will certainly be missed.
and a big disappointment…
After two years of waiting patiently for the reopening of ICP (International Center of Photography) – I was totally disappointed during my first visit. The location is now in the Bowery area of Manhattan (which I love) but the space itself is not exciting at all. There’s that feeling of being in a big box in some basement somewhere. And perhaps I’m showing my age…but the opening exhibition was not at all what I’m looking for in an international photography museum. An article in the Weekend Arts section of the New York Times reads…“This institution shift in emphasis from hard objects to the broad field of visual culture (e.g. webcams, video blogs, twitter etc.) will make old-style connoisseurs crazy, but it is in line with the center’s history.” Regardless of my first impressions (and age!)…I renewed my annual membership and will give it a go for another year and see what develops.
oh…the arts…
Regardless of where I go in this world, I’m a really big fan of street art. Not necesarily the graffiti stuff, but the amazing murals by so many talented artists. For me I think it all started when I discovered 5Pointz in Queens and then later saw it all disappear by greedy developers. I’m just in awe how many of these artists create such large pieces with just spray cans! Over the past seven years I’ve really seen NYC street art grow. Currently, the largest selection is in Bushwick, Brooklyn. These two images are a couple of my faves from there…but there are sooooo many! If this one doesn’t spell s-u-m-m-e-r I don’t know what does!
I just recently went to see the exhibit – Diane Arbus, In the Beginning – at the Met Museum. Well not THE Met Museum, but one of their other locations – The Met Breuer that happens to be the old location of The Whitney Museum of American Art in the Upper East Side. Over 100 of her photographs were displayed focusing on seven years of her career from the late 50’s to the early 60’s. Many of these images were gifted by her daughters, Doon and Amy. I mention Amy because I was thrilled when she chose three of my images in a juried selection a few years ago. I guess one day I should share them on my blog. I’ve never been very good at tooting my own horn. 🙂 The exhibit was so different than her work that I was used to seeing…work that has often been controversial and very much critiqued. She’s been referred to as the “photographer of freaks” but this work was different…work through the eyes of a sixteen year old who was just embarking on her journey as a photographer. Bottom line? Excellent!
For now I’ll leave you with a posting from the Metro Diary of the New York Times…
“Thirsty and on the run, I jumped in a yellow cab and quickly opened my extra large bottle of seltzer water, immediately drenching myself and the entire interior (floor to ceiling) of the cab. Thankfully, Cabby stayed dry behind the plastic divider, but as he took the next street super fast, I sort of panicked, wondering if he was annoyed about the carbonated back-seat nightmare. Soaking in soda and shame, I threw open my purse and grabbed the first thing I found – a giant maxi-pad – which I hastily began using to absorb the results of my bubbly water explosion. I was still detailing the plastic divider with the maxi-pad wings when the cab stopped across town. As I sheepishly handed him soggy cash, Cabby tapped his head, pointed at the waterlogged maxi in my hand and laugh-yelled in a thick Russian accent. “Very inventive! That is why women rule the world!”
So much more to share…soon!
Happy Summer!
Oh, Robin. Almost every day I wonder if there will be a post from you and NOW…here you are. I might have to figure out how to get on IG without posting my own images but just to see yours, Ruth’s and another friend’s. (sign)
In the meantime, how brilliant of you to end on that cabby story…to show that there really IS still humor in this chaotic world and that maybe we’re all NOT going to hell in a hand basket?
And yes, midst the chaos there is much sadness, grief, disappointment, anger, etc. but also JOY and surprise and inspiration. Thank you for sharing it all. It was worth waiting for! The top photo is my absolute favorite….
It’s great to be back…thank you! Yes, IG inspires me. There’s no bullshit to wade through like on Facebook…just people sharing what inspires them. It takes a second to set up an account and you don’t have to participate at all. I’m really at a loss, total loss for words about what all is happening in the political arena and think daily about how I need to just journal these thoughts to try to empty the brain, but not sure how much that’ll really help? So one little diversion is looking forward to the diaries the New York Times publishes each week for some comic relief. I do have to remind myself that there is joy, surprise and inspiration…perhaps that’s the answer…we just have to look for it and share more of it. The bathing suit…the lighting stopped me dead in my tracks…and you just wouldn’t believe what I went through to get it…tons of jack hammers and guys digging and banging and shouting at me to get out of their way. Just goes to show (like lots of things in this world) that sometimes it takes effort to get THE shot. THANK YOU!!
Time flies and you prove it… Fabulous pictures again and the street art is just amazing, so many talented people around and showing it BIG…..
We should keep our sense of humour no matter what, it is difficult in this chaotic time.
It always is a joy to read about what is going on in your life and I think you sometimes wished a day had 48 hours 🙂
Love and hugs,
Gosh and the older we get the faster it goes! Yes, wouldn’t 48 hours be grand!?! 🙂 Thanks always Astrid…xoxo
Oh it’s so lovely to find you here again, I was wondering about you but so worth the wait!
First of all, hoot your horn loud! I like all of the images but the first one really floats my boat, I think it is a ‘statement piece’!
I so love anything to do with fashion photography, ‘On the Streets of Manhattan’ these kind of images I find them intriguing and I understand your feelings over the new photography exhibition space and time moving on…
Hey what a high note you left us on, just the thing to get me going on a beautiful new day here in the UK, thank you, your efforts are truly appreciated!
I just wish I had known you a little sooner when I visited your great city we could have had a coffee together….x
Thanks Susan! Your Norway trip just keeps floating in and out of my mind so you’ve been in my thoughts too! Like I mentioned to Ginnie above, that shot didn’t come easy…but they are often the ones that really do make a statement! And oh how I wish we knew each other too when you visited…I just know we would be kindred spirits for sure. Your art inspires me so! Thanks always for your visits and comments!
I’m back to say thank you for sharing the Diane Arbus ‘In the Beginning’ link, yes this work is still as alive as the day it was shot, you could definitely feel it! Like you say excellent!
Love all your photos. I am always amazed too at how the street art can be so detailed using only a can of spray paint. I can barely draw stick people. I think the red swimsuit and the hat is my favorite photo as well. Love that you are back on your blog again because I love reading what is going on in “your city” as well as your travels throughout the world… Loved the story about the seltzer water clean up… I have a similar story about that happened to me on a state fair ride when I was a teenager… I’ll share that with you someday. Ha! Love and hugs. Xoxo
Ha! Me and you both on the stick people for sure! Yes, it’s good to be back here in my little space. Oh…remember to tell me THAT story in September/October!! I know coming from you it’ll be a doozy!! Love you.
Well I’ve been gone a couple of weeks, and I am happy to return to this great post.
I appreciate your words and images about the grieving and disappointment. It is a true part of life, and because you are beautiful, there is beauty even in pain.
I have the Cunningham doc at home and want to watch it soon. I appreciate him so much, especially the way he lived, so simply. What a great person he was, to keep following his passion and affect so many of us with pleasure and joy.
What an honor to be recognized by Diane Arbus’ daughter. I do hope hope hope you will share those images … sometime!
I thought about you two so much being in the Netherlands and then in France. So happy that you had a safe trip and that you enjoyed every minute! I know my short time in the Netherlands with Ginnie and Astrid were the best! Yes, you’ll enjoy Bill’s documentary. He was so frugal…and so passionate about his work. Let me know what you think after you view it! And yes, I was really honored to have Arbus’ daughter recognize my work…and I will have to dig them out of the archives and share. Soon! Thank you so much and welcome home!
Oh and that cabby story is priceless!
Isn’t it!!!
Finally! I started to be worried ..
I am sharing your thoughts and feelings about the state of our world today. I can find no words to describe the angst and fear I feel when reading the news. What a world we are levying behind…
I share your love for street art – amazing what they can achieve with a spray can…I tried once and failed completely.
Love the seltzer accident story – made me giggle ( thanks for that!) and I will look for the Bill C. documentary – he is well appreciated here. you can imagine!
Finally : Show us the pictures which were appreciated by Arbus daughter!
Have a wonderful day!
Yes, with guests and spending time on the farm it’s been a busy one! But as you know I’ve been a live and well on IG! 🙂 Wow, you actually tried painting with a spray can? Cool! Yes, will put together a short posting on Amy’s selection in the future…so stay tuned! Thanks so much!!
Gosh, Robin. Your energy and lust for life is so very admirable! You are everywhere, all the time! Whether in NYC or in far flung parts of the globe, your interests masterfully manifested by your words and camera bring me with you on every journey. I have none of your wearwithall, and I thank you!
I just want to take it all in when I have this wonderful opportunity to live in this city….even if it is only on a part time basis with Arizona, Virginia and travel! Love sharing what I see and experience…thank you so much for tagging along!
Hot time Summer in the city:) I love your images and honor your sacred shares – holding space for your sadness
as well as your joy and humor (love the taxi cab story;)
I’m glad you’re back posting. I love your instagram feed – one of my favs – but it’s oh so good to read your thoughts again.
Peace to you in the heat of August,
Thanks so much Jennifer! Think of you so often…xo
missed you and your fabulous posts. this one did not disappoint …studying & enjoying all your lovely photos, ending with a good laugh. thank you! happy summer to you and happy travels!!
So happy for your visit Cathy! Thank you so much for your wonderful comments! Happy Summer to you too!!
In this chaotic world of illusion, we have more degrees, but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgement, more experts, yet more problems, more lies, but less belief, more media, but less truth. We talk too much, love too seldom, hate too often. But in all this confusion Robin, you find the beauty in life whether out in the world or in the city streets. and you give us the blessing of sharing it with us. I thank you.
Wow…your words…touched me in so many ways…I thank you.
So much to love and enjoy here, right off the bat that delightful first image and all the more after reading what you had to go through to get it! But then there were a few, and now familiar, tears thinking of the memorial services. I’m so glad you are back “home” for awhile, coming to your blog is kinda like going to a three ring circus! Fantastic images and links and information and I can just see your face full of excitement over all that you get to encounter.
I hope to one day soon be able to follow you on IG, too.
You know…when I look at that image of the bathing suit it feels so peaceful and serene…and then my mind goes to the chaos surrounding it when I took the photo and it just makes me laugh! Thank you…so much for your generous and thoughtful comments.
Ah you are back. As usual I love seeing your city, tinged with envy, but thrilled to see what’s happening there. Scary times for sure and yes I agree about Instagram, what a blast. A glimpse into other worlds……
Thanks Catherine! Totally agree, a glimpse into other worlds without all the BS!