It’s hard to even put the word farm in the same sentence as New York City. But when you think of all the open rooftop buildings and you see what the folks at Brooklyn Grange Farm built, you’ll immediately see the potential of getting fresh high-quality produce right here in the city. Brooklyn Grange Farm’s goal? To provide an urban rooftop farming model that can be replicated anywhere in the world and to educate urban dwellers about where their food comes from. Not to mention they operate the world’s largest rooftop soil farms, with two locations here in NYC, and grow over 40,000 pounds of organically-cultivated produce per year. Having grown up on a fruit and vegetable farm, I was in awe at this operation. The views? Well I’ll let the photos speak to that!
So when I read Bella’s weekly prompt for the 52 photos project was fresh…
I knew it was time for a trip to the farm!
And then I came across these…
And even though there isn’t one thing spectacular about this photo at all, it is my pick for my photo-heart-connection for the month of July. My heart did a little happy dance when I saw these. You see growing up on the farm when you’re not barefoot…you have your dressy shoes for church, your school shoes, and then your farm shoes. Yep, just like these. No shoe strings, just slip on and head to the fields…or in this case…the rooftop! Love, love, love!
Oh, wonderful Photo-Heart Connection! I love the story of those shoes as told by you in image and words. You made me smile!
Thanks Kat so much!
Love this, Robin. I need to share this with my Toronto pals!
Thanks Juli! Appreciate you stopping in!
You have such a gift to take pictures which tell a story! My all time favorite is the sunflower in front of the skyline! Inccredibly beautiful.And on top I learned a lot about the rooftop farming – i had no idea that it could be done on such a big scale. The shoes are very sweet and touching…I can temember the times when the good ( new) shoes were for Sundays only etc.
Great choice and what wonderful memories of growing up on a farm. As you know, there’s nothing like growing up barefoot!
I’d heard about these rooftop farms, however the scenes I saw weren’t as artistically done as yours, my friend. I didn’t grow up in a farm, but my dad’s parents and most of his brothers were ranchers. Therefore, I spent many summers at the ranch, playing with the animals, climbing trees, exploring the range, etc. It was truly a wondrous experience. Therefore, I can see how those simple shoes would warm your heart. Blessings, my friend!
soooo cool. i too was a farm girl growing up and know just what you mean about the shoes. this city farm is amazing…thanks for sharing…beautiful shots!!
Robin, I have a similar pair of “farm shoes” only now I use them specifically for yard work. Yup! One of the simple joys of summer! — Michele at Sweet Leaf, visiting from PHC
Oh… love this post! And the fantastic idea. Such a wonderful photo-heart connection
wow, amazing series, great example of efficient urban gardening….lol! love your story about the shoes. here in the netherlands of course they would be made of wood hihi.
Love the photos, but really love the story! Thanks for sharing. (the “shoes” are also my favourite!)
Your photo-heart connection is wonderful, and all those other photos are simply awesome to me – and I mean that in the true sense of the word. I knew there were rooftop gardens in NYC, but never imagined anything like this. Thanks for enlightening me!
Have I mentioned that I’m in love with your pictures? Seriously, you make me want to move back home to New York 🙂 Love these images. I especially love the contrast between this farm and the concrete jungle that is the city.
Oh and the shoes are awesome too!
We need to see more of these roof-top farms within the big cities, Robin, so thanks for drawing attention to them in NYC. I can just see you there, eating it all up…after your own childhood experience on your own farm. The image of the shoes really does say it all!
Love the image you chose for PHC, the image of the shoes tells its own story. Love the other pics too and amazing views.
Fantastic photos and editing!
I was always so enthralled by the roof top gardens when I lived in Manhattan …
Love, love, love farm fresh, and what a great way for “your city” to make that happen.. XXOO MORE!
The sunflower against the skyline is wonderful, I always wondered if there might be gardens on top of some of the roofs in the city…now I know, thanks.
I love your PHC.
Great series of images! And I love your farm shoes!
What an awesome place and I love your choice for PHC, so meaningful for you.
Gorgeous photos!
Wow! I’m just blown away with all the comments. THANK YOU so much!
How wonderful! I would never have expected to see a country-fresh garden against a New York skyline.
I love your shoes. They tell the whole story…about your lovely garden!
Love this post, the farm, your photos. They’ve made my morning!
You make me happy everytime I come here.
Who knew? Now we all do:)
What an amazing thing to find out about … really beautiful images.
I just love this photo. The contrast of the garden with the NYC skyline in the background is fantastic.
Robyn! Love these submission for Fresh. I might have to visit these rooftop gardens soon! Thank you for sharing.