I’ve had a few visitors to the den ask me about the term “Gotham.” I always knew it had something to do with Batman, but decided to do a little research.
Washington Irving was the first to apply the nickname “Gotham” to New York City, when he called it “the renowned and ancient city of Gotham” in an essay he wrote in 1807. The real origin of the name requires going back a bit further, but the nickname really became popular with the Batman comic books which appeared in 1939. We all know the title character was said to live in Gotham City, clearly recognizable as New York. Get it? Gotham, Batman, Robin….Gotham Girl.
Here’s the Gotham Girl (aka Robin) doing what she loves! Having a nice glass of French wine in a fabulous restaurant in Williamsburg. More on that area of Brooklyn in a future post!
You’re my kind of Gatham Girl! Take a sip for me!