On Monday nights, I enjoy helping the group, Monday Night Hospitality, feed our clients (the homeless) at the All Souls Church on the Upper East side.
I just have to smile when a client…
…(a small child) asks me if there are any extra cookies he can take with him (and I do my best to find some and succeed!)
… tells me I’m beautiful and ask if I’ve ever been a model or an actress. (How sweet, but my smile is more of a laugh!)
… shows me his new iphone (and I can’t even afford one!)
… only wants the romaine out of the salad bowl because that’s the only kind of salad green he likes…
…shows concern and wants to make sure that I own a coat when he sees that I’m in a sleeveless tshirt (cause the kitchen is so hot)
…doesn’t want the individual food on the plate touching each other (I can relate to that!)
…tells me over and over “thank you” (and it’s so sincere!)
…tells me they love my smile week after week
That’s why I look forward to Monday nights.
When your doing God’s work, there is always something to smile about! I am so proud of you and the way you give of yourself to help those in need!
Lot of love to you!