Time for a nip before the tuck 8/11/10 It’s that time again. Change. To cause to be different. I’m bored with my previous blog look. That’s why you’re seeing a nip here before the tuck. Could be a little while, but the tuck will come.
gotham girl says August 11, 2010 at 6:28 pm Thanks! Yep, grunge in the background to help show off all the fab things this city offers! Reply
grasshopper says August 11, 2010 at 2:31 pm I LOVE it! REALLY nice. I love that picture of you too! Reply
Nice new NYC grunge look!!
Thanks! Yep, grunge in the background to help show off all the fab things this city offers!
I LOVE it! REALLY nice. I love that picture of you too!
Tanks. You’re so kind. 🙂