One thing about the Gotham Girl is she gets bored easily. I love to rearrange furniture and living in the Gotham Den makes that a very easy thing to do. Perhaps that’s why I’m really enjoying the four seasons. More change. My hair style is a constant change. Not that I plan it, but when you have curly hair IT rules. You don’t.
So after being bored to death with my existing blog format, I decided to play around with some of the other options available with this blog service. Well I’m not excited about any of them really, but I’ve decided on the one that you are viewing now.
On another note, since I’ve been here in the city, I have a renewed interest in photography. It’s interesting how it has snaked in and out of my life. I really enjoyed photography right after I graduated, let it go, picked it up again about 15 years later and let it go again. Here I am another 10 years (or so) later and that interest is back. Plus, every minute of every day is a photo in this city. Long story short, I’m going to continue to share my city experiences through the blog, but will only pick one of my best photos to share on a larger scale that this format allows. So there you have it. That’s why you are seeing a change. What have you changed lately?
my undies!!
Hey SS,
I use to change furniture all the time but obviously I can’t now or Shantel would be really upset with me!!! But, I do change my hair color A LOT, and am in the process of letting my hair grow out a little if I can get past the I can’t stand it stage of the growing out process. I have curly hair too so I feel the it does it’s own thing, thing..
I will have to get use to your new format, but I have to say, I REALLY loved the old format and seeing all the little pictures as you went. It really made me feel like I was there too!! But, what ever makes you happy, makes me happy too!!
Love U
I’m giving this a try for a bit. But you will continue to see photos. Just bigger!
You’ll have to send me an update of the hair. 🙂