Love my office overlooking my street! Picture me carrying this 5 blocks!
Hi Robin,
Jenny sent me your blog address. I’ve just finished catching up on all your updates. How awesome. Love this picture in particular, shows your view, wooden floors and the simplicity of the old desk & flowers in vase contrasted with the wireless PC. Miss you much! Love T.
I had a blast experiencing NY through your blog. It is inspiring to see how you did not give up your dream and now it is a reality. I never doubted it that you would. Go girl, you are an inspiration for many of us. Love ya BB
What fun to read and I can picture all of it including the smells (er, aromas)… keep the info coming.. my favorite is the Mac and window! Oh, you should be able to get part time at the veg market with your experience! Maybe sell a couple of books.
Hi Robin,
Jenny sent me your blog address. I’ve just finished catching up on all your updates. How awesome. Love this picture in particular, shows your view, wooden floors and the simplicity of the old desk & flowers in vase contrasted with the wireless PC. Miss you much! Love T.
I miss you too!!! Can’t wait for you visit. So much to do. You will LOVE it!
I had a blast experiencing NY through your blog. It is inspiring to see how you did not give up your dream and now it is a reality. I never doubted it that you would. Go girl, you are an inspiration for many of us. Love ya BB
Thanks BB! I keep pinching myself! I can’t believe I’m living it!
What fun to read and I can picture all of it including the smells (er, aromas)… keep the info coming.. my favorite is the Mac and window! Oh, you should be able to get part time at the veg market with your experience! Maybe sell a couple of books.
Picture me cracking up!
Oh, what a cute office…just gotta love that! =D Sounds like you are having a supergreat time in NY…I’m happy for you! Enjoy and take care! Miss you!
Great to hear from you! When are you coming to visit me? Send me an email and let me know what you are up to!