I dreamed about you over the weekend and now I realize you were telling me goodbye. You were telling me to keep pursuing my dreams and continue my love of cycling. For those of you who don’t know, Rich has been a friend for many years and was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease and was an absolute warrior until the end.
If if wasn’t for you Rich I would’ve never pursued cycling. You convinced me to give those skinny tires a try and encouraged me to pursue clip-ons so I could be a stronger rider. Thank you for taking the time with me that Saturday morning in the parking lot at Target and helping me understand my bike gears. However of all the things you taught me the one that I will always remember is to never ever wear underwear with biking shorts. Who knew? I will always remember our cycling trips in France, our weekend rides in Scottsdale, and numerous parties. I’m so glad that I got to share your love for France, cycling, red wine and laughter.
I will always remember you and you will forever be in my thoughts. Love and miss you. Rest in peace Rich Mackney.
Oh Robin, I am so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a great friend. My condolences.
I only met Rich on a few occasions, but in those brief encounters his gentle caring soul was obvious. Another angel for heaven. God Bless him and his family and friends.
Hello Robin, my partner in life is Mary Jo Granato, Rich’s sister here in NY. We were out there from Last sunday to this past Monday. I really apprecate your post. He was like the big brother I never had, and I’ve refered to him as my brother-in-law for past couple of years. Great guy. I will miss him very much. He passed peacefully with an entire room full of family with him. God bless you and be well.
Anthony: Thanks so much for taking the time to post your note. I just went back and looked at some of the photos from our France trips, to reminisce in our good times together. He was my big hero. We will all miss him so much.
I am sorry to hear about your friend. Our Father was just very recently diagnosed and is now currently battling ALS so we feel and understand your every pain and it is a HORRIBLE disease that we must now very quickly put all our energy and effort into finding a cure for IMMEDIATELY.
We have started a FaceBook page and a store in support of ALS and will be making monthly donations to the ALS Society from the store proceeds to help find a cure. Please help us spread the word.
The Swenson Family
Thanks for your note and I’ll certainly help to spread the word. You have a beautiful family!