Delicate and intricately detailed…
A few years ago…if someone would have told me, as I walked thru a local Hispanic supermarket, those thoughts above would’ve come to mind as I glanced at tripe…well, I’d have to say they were a touch crazy.
But that is exactly what photography has given me, the possibilities of perception that are limitless.
For those of you who don’t know, tripe is a french word for a type of edible parts from the stomachs of various farm animals. Prior to my involvement with photography, a capture like this would’ve never occurred to me. In fact, what would’ve happened would be an eeewwwwwwww and to look away as quickly as possible.
But it has been the Miksang practice or the contemplative practice that has brought me such awareness. It has given me fresh eyes to the ordinary. But it isn’t just limited to photography. As Andy Karr and Michael Wood so eloquently write in their book, The Practice of Contemplative Photography, “with or without camera, the joy of seeing can be one of life’s treasures. When a perception dawns and you don’t have a camera, or conditions are not right to make a picture, you don’t need to feel frustration or regret. That’s the time to realize how precious seeing itself is.” Well said guys. Well said.
On a side note…if you ever find yourself in Phoenix, Arizona a trip to Pro’s Ranch Market on Roosevelt Street is a must. You’ll be immediately transported to the colorful country of Mexico. And speaking of Mexico…Sunday I’ll be off to spend a little time with friends in Mexico City before I head to San Miguel de Allende to wander and photograph while visiting one of my best friends! So excited!
Cross posted today over at Vision and Verb where women from all over the world share their visions through their art and verb through their written word. Come join us!
Being the mother, and “eyes” of a blind child, has given me that precious gift of how “seeing itself is”…Before I became Shantel’s eyes in our everyday enviroment…I just blew past so many precious moments.. Now, I really stop, and enjoy, each moment that I see…XXOO. Gh
With your knowledge of wabi sabi and now miksang you must feel very comfortable in your “seeing” with or without a camera. And your photographs reflect it.
Mexico! Can’t wait to see your pictures. Here in Germany, we’re expecting the coldest night of the year for Saturday, so every ray of light is more than welcome.
Beautiful image!
Have a wonderful trip!