So a few weeks ago I found this really cool vintage army backpack at the Hells Kitchen flea market. Knowing I wanted to dress it up a little I found some neat buttons at my neighborhood flea, the Green flea. I could only imagine how much the laundry would charge to sew these on, so I thought…I can do this! Now keep in mind, there are certain things I have a hard time wrapping my mind around. Like folding a map, cooking, electronics… the immediate ones that come to mind. I must say I can now add sewing buttons to that list.
Where do I start? On to google, how to sew on a button. (Mom, you probably don’t want to read any more of this post. But do remember that I preferred hunting and fishing with dad instead…and of course riding my bike…while you were cooking, baking and sewing…)
My first google result, How to Thread a Needle and Tie a Knot. “Threading a needle and securing a knot at the end of the thread are the first steps in any hand-stitching or sewing project.” Duh, I guessed that. But how do I get this tiny little thread through this tiny little hole? They don’t explain that part, its just a given. Back to google. Another result, Nine Ways to thread a needle. After reading through the list I couldn’t see any of those working either. Perhaps one could work, but I didn’t have any chap stick. What about this silver thing that came with my sewing kit? I remember my mom had one of those. I was always fascinated by the woman on it. Who is she anyway? If it came with the kit, surely it should help. Back to google, How to use a needle threader. A perfect YouTube video. OK, mastered that part.
In the photo, note that the important part of my threader is no longer attached, thank goodness this woman survived. Some how the piece broke off during my final button episode and is now all wrapped up in my thread. I’m blaming it on the cheap sewing kit I bought at CVS. Toss that!
So perhaps it isn’t totally straight, but good enough for now, at least until I go to Virginia in September and have my mom re-do it.
Rain Rain go away!!! I wanna go out on my bike and play!
P.S. All I can say is thank God for Larry Page and Sergey Brin. What would I do without them?
Or you could call one of your BFF’s and they would have saved you all the google trouble, and letting MOM know, because they would give you the easy answer…smiles. But, I LOVED reading your journey through this because it let’s me know I am NOT alone!!
Love YOU!