Before I get to the photography class I have to tell you that Friday I took a new class at my gym called Core Motion. Well. It was defined as FUN. After the workout every bit of my body was soaked with FUN sweat…and I never would’ve dreamed I would wake up on Saturday and could barely get one leg out of bed much less my whole body. This was fun? I’m doing 60 mile bike rides with no soreness and I go to an hour class and my body feels like it’s been hit with a Mack truck! But I had to get moving because I had photography classes to go to!! So after I crawled in and out of the shower I made it to the subway headed for Tribeca. Steps. OMG. I’m sure I looked like some little old lady going up those steps as I emerged from the subway stop on Canal Street. Now the challenge was to find this place. I haven’t spent much time in Tribeca. Perhaps going to a restaurant or two and I do recall this is where JFK Jr. lived. It was a quiet morning. Lots of lofts, warehouses and an occasional cyclist making their way towards the Hudson River. After help from a couple of very nice people, I found the studio.
I opened the door. Yep, you guessed it. MORE stairs! ARGH!
The studio pictured below was very industrial, very cool. We’re not talking your typical hard chairs in a classroom environment. This was awesome!
It was a day of just hanging out. Just three of us with lots of 1/1 time with John. He critiqued several of my photos and I can’t believe how much I learned about my camera, photo composition and my inner desire to take even more photos! Yep, every day I pinch myself in this fabulous city. I’m so living the dream. Check out John’s site at to look at his work.
It’s funny how your body gets so used to one thing and then you do something different and youch! Even when I just push myself harder in the same sport I’ve Bern doing all along, crazy.
Way back when (when things were a bit darker in NYC) I took a photo class at ICP, it was a lot of fun. Looks like the place you are going looks cool too.
Sounds like me, after the second day of walking, walking and walking the streets of New York third day could not get up.
Hee, Hee.