How long has it been since you’ve been in a phone booth, much less seen one? Yes, amazingly a few still exist and one of a handful in Manhattan happens to be around the corner from where I live.
I came across an article recently about a resident in the city who passed a phone booth one day with his son. “Daddy, why is that phone in a box?” The children’s book, The Lonely Phone Booth, was born.
Direct from the author’s website ( “In a world in which objects we love and recognize as part of the integral fabric of our lives are disappearing at a rapid rate, here is a story about the value of the analog, the power of the people’s voice, and the care and respect due to those things that have served us well over time.”
Well said!
corner of west 66th street and west end avenue
There is another on WEA and 100th street and I think….on WEA and 90th.
Yes, the remaining ones are all on WEA! But, I’ve also read there are a few more sprinkled around such as you mentioned on Gov. Island.
OH! I also saw one out on a pier on Governor’s Island.