Calling all photography lovers! Check out Photoville in Brooklyn Bridge Park! The “photography village” is a free ($3 suggested contribution) public event from September 19th through the 29th using 51 shipping containers for stand-alone photography and video exhibits.
Getting to the exhibit is like walking through the bowels of Brooklyn. Lots of construction going on in the park area, so just follow the signs that continue to assure you that you’re heading in the right direction. So just believe!
Lots of activities including lectures and workshops along with a beer/wine garden with different food trucks each day for variety. So grab some grub, a couple of Brooklyn Summer Ales and sit back and take in their night time events of screenings and special events! Great presentation Friday night by MediaStorm on digital storytelling and the cinematic narrative.
Hey, anything photography related has my vote! Good job Photoville!
That is so fascinating, amazing event and love the link you put in. Two more weeks and we will have breakfast together 🙂
The things you find in that one city just amaze me, Robin. I think you could live there forever and never even scratch the surface…because things are always changing!
This is so cool! Lucky you!
Ever so cool. Thank you Robin!
Perfect! Robin, judging from your NYC footage, a visit would never be enough, I should consider to move there. And your pictures are gorgeous …
Thanks for commenting! This city just amazes me on a daily basis what it has to offer!