No, I didn’t sign up for the spinach eating contest, but I did have a blast at the 18th Annual Running of the Great North River on Sunday!
It all started with the tugboat race. About a dozen tugs that normally dock ships and push barges, all paraded up the Hudson and lined up at the pier in front of the Gotham Den. At 10:30 a.m. the horn blew and they were off!
It was so fun knowing that I’d seen many all of these tugs working the river. Maurania III was the winner. But my favorite? Tugboat Cheyenne. This tug won the line toss competition which is considered the toughest test of all, captains steer close to the pier while deckhands attempt to lasso a bollard on the pier requiring incredible coordination between the two.
I just love this little blue tug. So cute.
Next was the spinach eating contest for children…(I would’ve thrown up)
Then the spinach eating contest for adults…Mike the first mate of Tug Cheyenne…(more on him later)
The first person to finish their bowl and place it on their heads was declared the winner! How cool is this??
But the best part was getting my own personal tour of the little blue Tug Cheyenne. How lucky can a girl get? Stay tuned for the next post!
I have just come to your site and the pictures are terrific.
I run a site on Flickr called Nautical Pictures of Interest and would love to copy and post your picture of the tug Cheyenne, full credit to yourself of course.
Best regards,
Flickr name Frigate RN.
Good Morning Gotham Girl,
Thank you for a great website. I was doing research for Tugboat Races and the search revealed your site. It’s great – you live an exciting and rewarding life. I have put a link and full credit to your picture, “18th Annual Running of the Great North River.” The link is on this page:
If it is not okay, please just tell me and I will remove it immediately. Thank you very much.
Best Regards,