Ginnie says March 22, 2012 at 9:50 am Now you’re really dating yourself, Robin! HAHAHA! Just like when I went to see The Eagles and Crosby Stills and Nash and Peter, Paul & Mary, etc. I love the oldies but goodies! Nothing like them. 🙂 Reply
Marcie says March 22, 2012 at 1:13 pm I’m smiling at Ginnie’s comment. Amen to ‘dating ourselves’!!! Wonder if the younger generation even knows who the Allman Bros. are?? Reply
Now you’re really dating yourself, Robin! HAHAHA! Just like when I went to see The Eagles and Crosby Stills and Nash and Peter, Paul & Mary, etc. I love the oldies but goodies! Nothing like them. 🙂
I’m smiling at Ginnie’s comment. Amen to ‘dating ourselves’!!! Wonder if the younger generation even knows who the Allman Bros. are??
Well we are women of THAT certain age, ha ha!