Well one thing a snow storm brings is lots of inside time. I helped my mom go through old Christmas decorations and found lots of things that Goodwill will be so excited about! I know they will just be eagerly waiting for my mom’s little subaru to pull into their drive-thru tomorrow! Of course we couldn’t help but reminisce a little over some old photos. One in particular is of yours truly that’s very appropriate for this time of year. Don’t you know I thought I was hot stuff with what Santa brought me that year! Does anyone think I’ve changed?
LOVE the expression!! And by the way… it does look like you are sucking in your core very nicely! What a pro even then! That photo is priceless!and you should scan it and have a copy framed for the den!!!
You looked then just as you do, and should now, SS.,, Like you have the world by the tail, and that’s just as it should be right?
We all luv U
That is one sweet ride! What a great photo!
It’s perfect! Mom and Dad truly do know best…they knew way back then that you would be a cyclist.
I think my mom and dad had that exact same pattern for our curtains in my ‘growing up’ home.
Thank you for my evil eye protection! I’ve hung it in our home to protect all of us here.
Thought of you often over the past few days with all the news of the blizzard! Eager to here when you made it back to the den.
Merry Christmas!!! Love, Tracey
My beautiful baby girl.
Love U
Your mother
Love U my little poodle! Your daughter