Tucked away in Harlem, Covo Trattoria and wine bar is housed in an old railroad station under the rumbling Henry Hudson Parkway. An easy 25 minute bike ride from the apartment with nice views of the Hudson River…spring has definitely sprung!
**Will be reporting in from Stockholm, Sweden for the next ten days so stay tuned!**
Wow! Love the colors.
Have fun, fun, fun, in Sweeden my dear sweet frissy. Luv, Hugs & MORE! GH
Thank you my sweet!
This reminds me a bit of those doorways with beads hanging down (whatever they’re called!), but just not as tacky! 🙂 Wonderfully abstract…and a bit of a flash for your flight to Sweden today, I’m sure! I was wondering out loud with Astrid today about how long you’ll be so nearby. Now we know. ENJOY every minute. We’ll be eager to hear how it is!
I LOVE those beads and I too can see them hanging in the breeze! Having a wonderful time in this beautiful country and it makes me even more eager for the trip in October! Will return back to NYC next Tuesday! xoxo
This is magical! I’m trying to figure out what it is…not that it matters – I love it anyway. Have fun in Stockholm…sounds great!
Well would you believe a row of yellow spring bushes in the background with a small tree with Christmas lights in the foreground? Too fun! Thanks!!
Wow. The colors and sense of movement are so eye-catching! A very graceful picture.
Thank you Caryn so much! Now I’m off to peek at your captures as well!