I joined hundreds of other cyclists to have my bike blessed this morning at the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine. A chilly and windy ride up West End Avenue, but worth it knowing I’d have some holy water sprinkled on my little red Trek.
In a very quick service the Reverend Miller offered a blessing to kick off a safe cycling season, did his sprinkling and then in a very emotional moment bag pipers played as a rider-less bicycle is brought forward during a moment of silence in remembrance of those who died in cycling accidents during the past year. Rev. Miller shared a reading from the book of Ezekiel and the following passage stayed with me: Wherever the spirit would go, they went and the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
We finished by parading our bikes around the inside of the cathedral which is about the length of two football fields. To give you an idea of how tall, I understand it would comfortably contain the Statue of Liberty. Awesome event!
Prutty darn cool!! Our Tracey is riding in the Tour de Phoenix as I tap this out!! Both of us received our Boro packets in the mail!!! YippY!!
Yippy skippy!!!!
Neat-O, great picture and nice jersey! See you soon!!!
Why thank you. It was lots of fun. Hope you had a great tour today and that you beat the heck out of that hill! You go girl!
I wanted so badly to go to this. Unfortunately our ride started at 9 AM! Boo! I’ll have to ride on an unblessed steed this season.
I figured you had your B ride this morning. It was really windy! How about when we go on a ride soon I’ll let my pony bless your steed. That should work, shouldn’t it? We can’t have you riding around unblessed!
Awesome you will have to share your blessing’s with us (JT and me).
You know I always needs extra help with the safety thing.
Shell and I are so looking forward to the NYC trip.