After a good portion of a day having my head buried in the computer learning a new software program, a break outside was a must. I left my apartment building and on a whim turned left instead of my planned right, walked to Central Park instead of Riverside Park. My nose led me right to Lilac Walk. I could’ve stayed for hours. If only my camera could capture that sweet powdery scent. Heavenly…
I picked up a ham and gruyere baguette from a small stand in the park and sat down to watch the world go by. But the world came to me. Within minutes little children appeared with all sizes of violins. Then a clarinet showed up and then a cello and a tambourine. For an hour I was serenaded by Moon River, When the Saints Go Marching In, Happy Trails to You…some in tune, some not. The beautiful sounds of violins, quiet sounds full of emotions. From the sound of sadness, whispering like the wind and then higher and higher (and every once in awhile a painful screeeeech!) and then it would stop and the whisper would start all over again.
And of course like good little buskers they were constantly checking on their earnings! Priceless!
(No wabi-sabi sightings this week…but I’m heading to the flea market today so stay tuned for next Saturday!)
Music is the language of all. We listen and don’t have to translate anything. Just enjoy, smile and maybe a soft whistle along with the music.
A wonderful post, great shots.
Thanks Astrid. I so agree! They were just darling!
Love these images Robin!!
Thanks Mary!
You write so beautiful. This is so sweet. Thank you for sharing.
Oh, thank you Nikki!
Ohhhhhh. And you want to keep throwing in a coin or two to keeping them going, screeching or not. I love this, Robin. Seeing kids doing this instead of what so many of them do, getting themselves into trouble, thrills my heart. And good for them starting young. THANK YOU for turning left that day!
I know. I wanted to give them all kinds of money, ha ha! And yes, so happy I turned left instead of right. What an incredible afternoon and just what I needed!
What a lovely afternoon for both you and the children. Love it and you. MORE & counting the days!!! GH
It was so great and after hours and hours in Lightroom software it is exactly what I needed! xoxo