Just read an article in the NYT that cupcakes are going to be bringing a little competition to the hot dogs on museum mile. Well first you might ask…what is museum mile? It’s a beautiful stretch along 5th Avenue with many museums and other fine art places. As you approach the Metropolitan Art Museum you will begin to see all the hotdog vendors selling their dogs and other treats. Until this article I wasn’t aware that disabled veterans are permitted to operate their carts in front of the museum without paying the city a dime. So good for the Vets! So I’m thinking…how much could it cost to get a permit to sell food? Well it looks like the cupcake vendor will be paying the Parks Department $659,000 over five years to put a solar operated cupcake cart on this famous footpath along 5th Avenue. That’s a lot of $3 cupcakes somebody has to sell but I’m sure someone has done the math. So yum yum, a hot dog and a cupcake on one of the most beautiful streets in the city!
(Hey! The chicky in those boots and leather jacket sure looks familiar to me…perhaps a double of someone I know? Oh, dear there can’t be two of them! That would be way too much KAOUS for this world!)
Puny piece of Kaous if you ask me! That is where she lost a 10 on a twenty! Dork!Where was Kammando during the dollar exchange… she needed her handler! Cup cakes sound a bit safer! 🙂