I woke up this morning to an alarm clock of sirens and horns and realized… I was back. It was warm last night (well by our standards) so it was perfect sleeping with the windows open and just a bit of heat coming out of the registers. I say perfect because the outside noise really doesn’t bother me at all now. So perhaps I’m settling in? It has been 10 months now since I arrived in this fabulous city…
The day couldn’t have been better for winter time. Cloudy, sunny, then cloudy and temps in the mid-50’s. So after unpacking this morning, I thought… I really really need a fix of Central and Riverside Parks. Ahhh, great opportunity to try out my new Nikon D3000. So I crossed Central Park West and as I approached the park side, my eyes locked right in on Ms. Kassie. Every time I see a Bernese Mountain dog tears fill my eyes. To this day, the hardest thing (yet) I have ever experienced was putting Darby to sleep when she was diagnosed with bone cancer. So every Berner is my best friend. What a great representation of the breed – beautiful, elegant and so well-mannered. I would have paid the owner to walk HER…
Love these dogs too. I so want one when my little guy is old enough. We had a gorgeous white shepherd that we had to put to sleep some years ago. He was amazing, so I understand your longing. I miss our Luke.